Sacramento Truck Drags October 4

I have a race in Boise on the 3rd but I am planning on making this race :rockwoot:
I have waited far too long to bring the Red Rocket home for a race so I am going to do everything in my power to make this event. It is a 9 hour drive from Boise to Sacramento so it should be a good time :bang I am sure I will need a nap by the time this weeknd is over.
I am looking forward to meeting up with a lot of the guys who helped this truck get its start and to give Nowel a show on his old stoming grounds. I also have a gift for WINspeed to put up in his shop. Lets hope the truck holds togther for couple weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will pass the word on to Adam, I think he'll be happy to see the truck.
I hope my truck gets dialed in for this event. Need to at least get one trophy before looking into building something else.
Got my truck running and the twins all done, now just have to put some miles on this motor before the weekend. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
just got off the phone with HOSS, the RED ROCKET will not be making the trip to Sacramento tomorrow.

On his second pass in Boise today he ran a 10.68 @ 136 mph but blew the freeze plug out of the back of the head. Coupled with the long drive down this way and the weather turning ****ty up that way, he felt he needed to get back home before they got snowed in. He didnt feel he could get the truck fixed in time to justify the trip down to Sac.

sorry for the bad news
Just got back. Had a good time and saw a few people I knew. Looked like a decent amount of trucks, but not many in the stands. I left just before lunch, maybe more will show up once the eliminations start.
I heard Fletcher's truck popped a freeze plug and was totaled.. Hopefully the driver wasn't hurt..
Ya, I think it was fletchers son driving, I heard it was his second pass ever in the truck, not sure though but ya he popped a freeze plug, spun around hit the wall and then flipped and landed on the drivers side and slid for a ways down the track, the truck is totaled, the only thing we could see on the truck that could be used is the stack and passenger side door, when the truck was flipping it was smoking like he was still floored, must have had something to do with the "Big Pump"
He is fine, a few bumps and bruises, basically walked away from it, ambulance was right there, they checked him out.

The truck did not come thru so well, I think the only thing that can be saved on the body is the tail lights.
Glad i left before it happened. Hope he is ok. Probably going to be sore tomorrow.