San Antonio TX Dyno Day

Well it looks like I won't be making the dyno. Stupid cable company can't be out here any earlier than saturday between 1 and 5pm to hook up my internet and cable (whoring off someone's wireless right now) and they have to have someone here the whole time.
Tell the suckers your sorry but they need to get there earlier. Come on tyler dont be a sissy.
Tell the suckers your sorry but they need to get there earlier. Come on tyler dont be a sissy.

x2. C' gotta show. BEER man...BEER...diesel trucks....bbq....or watch someone hook up your cable.
Tell the suckers your sorry but they need to get there earlier. Come on tyler dont be a sissy.

Tried that. Nothing available. Now that I am stealing someone's wireless I'm gonna see if they can't move it till sunday afternoon or sometime on monday after 7pm.
I'm still hoping to be there, but the funds are looking pretty tight. Maybe someone will desperately need to borrow my truck this week and I can get a tank of fuel out of it.
Can't make it. No way. Cable company only has between 1 and 5pm on saturday available. Unless I push it back until next saturday which I don't have anything planned for. Which I might do. But I'm still not sure if I can afford the fuel for it.
oh I know that one, if he shows will he be going to the track. If I can remember correctly doesnt he have high 700hp. I'd like to see it run the qtr mile
Negative on this texan

need money to pay mortgage... :( workin 4-12 that day... there will be others.. plus my truck is FAARRR from competition ready..

IE dont embarrass myself... :(

I'm still hoping to be there, but the funds are looking pretty tight. Maybe someone will desperately need to borrow my truck this week and I can get a tank of fuel out of it.

what?!? oh jeez im gonna be one drunk fool if i have to drink your share too!
It's a hard job to drink my share of the beer, but I have faith in you.

I'm still trying to be creative with the finances and make it to this.
It's a hard job to drink my share of the beer, but I have faith in you.

Not really. Your a lightweight. LOL

I'm still trying to be creative with the finances and make it to this.

The last time the word creative and finance was used in the same sentence we ended up with the sh**** housing market and credit problems we see in this country today.

When and where is the drag race? Maybe I'll make that.