Scott Bentz's speedy recovery

Wow Scott...sorry to hear this is all going down. Grand Rock and my family will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for a quick and speedy recovery buddy!
My friend and colleague "Scott Bentz" is going through some difficult challenges, Please focus our thoughts and prayers in supporting him to a speedy recovery.

"I really hate to share this on a email, but it is the best way to get the details out to all of you. I value you all as friends, and feel that you need to know what is going on with the team, and coming up, and that I will be parking the race team until I can get my arms around a medical issue I am dealing with.

Cummins is a great company to work for, and in my position, they offer a high level physical to make sure that we are healthy. During my heart scan on a routine physical, they saw a few spots on my lungs. Nothing concerning, so reran the test 3 months later. Then they saw a mass on my kidney. Then the rescanned me again and found a tumor on my left kidney.

The tumor on my kidney is 2" in diameter and 99% probability of cancer. They say that nearly all kidney growths are cancerous and not to be surprised. The nodules on my lungs and a spot on my liver are somewhat suspect was well, so the DR wants to get a better understanding of what they are before figuring out the sequence of treatment. The Dr. is scheduling needle biopsies of the lung and liver ASAP. Once that is done, they will either do chemotherapy or radiation (or both) before the removal of the kidney or after, depending on the biopsy. I am awaiting calls from the radiologist now for the biopsy appointments.

The nephrectomy (my new word of the week) will put me in the hospital for 3-4 days, and 3-4 week recovery. Likely schedule will be in the next 2-4 weeks. They go in through the "flank" and take out a rib to get room to work. Not an uncommon surgery, according to him. He is happy that I am in good shape, healthy and exercising. I think it odd that I got this recent desire to "get healthy", lost 30 pounds, toned up and all, but whatever the reason, it was good timing. I am doing fine, and like the doctors and all. Good guys. I am still in the emotional "why me" stage, but getting better by the hour.


What that means for the race team is that is will be parked, so I can focus on getting healthy. Once I am back up to speed, I will get back on some tuning on the original car, and continuing to try selling it, to get the needed funding to finish the new car, which is complete, less clutch and transmission.

In the meantime, I will be still deeply involved in the diesel racing industry, as a advocate, writing articles, consulting, etc. I will not ask for any financial support from anyone until we get back out and can give you a value for your investment. I will be a supportive spokesman for you all during this time.

Dustin is doing well, working at KW doing outside parts and service selling, and will help me through this as well.

I hope you are all well, and getting through this difficult time in the industry. It is a challenge for us all.

Please share this with anyone I missed"

Scott Bentz

Cummins Rocky Mountain
VP On-Highway and Emissions Solutions
303-927-2233 direct, 303-882-6663 cell
390 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 200
Broomfield, CO 80021

Our friend "Scott's" disposition;

"This may be TMI but....

The spot they went after was a 13mm mass in my right lower lung. The
masses are from 3 to 13mm and there are 8 or 10 of them spread in both
lungs. The radiologist said it was a 50 50 chance hitting it with a
needle. .

He went in from the back and had to go in about 4 inches deep and
between ribs.

He hit it and was successful in getting 3 samples. Now the oncology
doctor will be able to determine the course of treatment. They are very
suspicious masses and probably cancerous growths as well.

He was as happy as me that he got clean samples because it would be hard
to get them surgically due to size and location.

I should have more treatment plan answers next friday. I have a few Dr
appointments next week.

All for now"

I'm fine.
Scott, you are the man buddy. Hang in there!! Maybe we can go rent a car and do some burnies in the parking lot, that always seemed to be a good way to turn a frown upside down :Cheer:

Call me if you need anything, you have the number.

Scott, you are the man buddy. Hang in there!! Maybe we can go rent a car and do some burnies in the parking lot, that always seemed to be a good way to turn a frown upside down :Cheer:

Call me if you need anything, you have the number.


To all:

Without a doubt, the attitude that one has in a deal like this can make you or break you. Having all of my great friends (everyone in this fine diesel racing crowd consider yourself my friend), co-workers, and family pulling for me makes a world of difference.

I will know more Friday, and see what torture my oncology doc can dream up for me. :hehe: BRING IT ON, I will get this cancer thing behind me. Cant be any harder than making a Cummins go fast....

Yes, Wade old buddy, we should tell the world someday how bad a rental car can get tortured by me. It was only a half shaft flying out. No big deal. The rental car company did not see the humor in it, but we sure did.....

Best to you all...
I will have to say, when you called me back and gave me your good news, I was relieved. We have been thinking about how you were doing all the time. We didn't want to interupt or push into a very personal and scary ordeal. I told everyone at our place what you had told me. We are all very happy to hear that you are doing well. Your great attitude has helped a bunch I am sure.
We send all our best! Thanks, Brady
We will be prayin for ya over here in Brighton. If y'all need anything at all, we are more than glad to help. Please don't hesitate to drop me a line on here or over at TDR.
Even us poor Ford diesel guys are with ya. Make it back!!! Praying for you guys! Wide Open Performance and the crew.
Glad to hear you are doing well, you are in our prayers.

As someone who has bracket raced several rental cars (and a U-Haul truck), I can relate to the rental car story. Loss Damage Waiver? What's that? ;)

Michael Pliska
Time for a quick update. As much as I wanted to go to May Madness and do the Cummins update, (and blow up another rental car), I had to stick around Denver.

My latst update is tough. They found cancer in the nodules that were in my lungs. It metastasized from the kindey tumor cancer. I will start medical treatment for it the second week of June. Pills and IV's in some clinical testing format. Yep, I will be a guinnea pig. They are hopeful that they can kill them or at least slow them down.

OK, start the jokes now.

1. Going to lose your hair? (had none to lose)

2. Is it like Chemo? (more like bad single malt scotch)

3. What side effects? (it will make you want to run a powerstroke)

OK... Your turn.... If you cannot laugh at this, it wins. I will not let it win.
yeah best of luck to you get better then get back to your old life
You continue to be in our prayers. I have no doubt that you will lick this, you enjoy life too much to let something like this get in your way!

Michael Pliska
i love your attitude about all this scott, keep that up, i've had 2 family members go through the whole cancer process and i've seen what it's like, that positive attitude is gonna help you get through it so much easier
Scott, keep your chin up! Everybody north of the border is cheering for you too! You need to get better, someone has to keep those Banks boys in line,, LOL

WOW you have a great attitude about this I think thats the best way to beat it. I am glad your spirits are up and wish you a speedy recovery and will keep you in my prayers.
Can't beat that Smile!!!

You will kick the crap out of this thing! I drive by the shop from time to time and see the trailer and quickly think about how cool you Bentz guys are especially with those killer "bet you whish you knew what I'm thinking" smiles. Will the old chassis accept a V8? Maybe I can help free up funds for the new car. Call me if I can do anything local for you guys and like everyone is saying please keep us posted.

I do alot of reading on this site and very little posting but one thing I know to do is pray. So I will be lifting you up in prayer to the great Physician and ask for his healing on you and guide the doctors looking after you. Your uplifted spirit is an inspiration to me.

Time for a quick update. As much as I wanted to go to May Madness and do the Cummins update, (and blow up another rental car), I had to stick around Denver.

My latst update is tough. They found cancer in the nodules that were in my lungs. It metastasized from the kindey tumor cancer. I will start medical treatment for it the second week of June. Pills and IV's in some clinical testing format. Yep, I will be a guinnea pig. They are hopeful that they can kill them or at least slow them down.

OK, start the jokes now.

1. Going to lose your hair? (had none to lose)

2. Is it like Chemo? (more like bad single malt scotch)

3. What side effects? (it will make you want to run a powerstroke)

OK... Your turn.... If you cannot laugh at this, it wins. I will not let it win.

My Dad was a guinea pig in 1993 with skin cancer, he beat it then, just as you are gonna beat this crap now!!!
Hey Scott I hope all is well. Came across an old picture of you today. I hope you are kicking some ass.