Sctpowersmoker is a thief.

Hey Vivian,

your last post made me laugh. I've seen some of your prior posts and I've noticed you have excellent work ethic, you have heart, you're honest and your customers love you guys.

With all the lies and BS now days in the business world and scams going on, it's nice to know there's still a reputable, friendly, helpful honest business out there.

I think what you were trying to do in helping him was admirable. You live, you learn, you move on! Welcome to the "Mistakes NOT so Anonymous" club lol.

Angela Im suprised you haven't met Vivian or Dj because your description of them Fits them PERFECT! They are Stand up people and would do Anything for anyone at a moments notice. I really appreciate all the help they have given me to try to make my truck stay together and be more reliable haha...(is that even possible with the way i drive?) (btw my dad just dropped by to drop off some fuel for dj and get stuff from his truck so you dont think there was robbers at the house haha) Thanks a lot dj and viv! Also vivian yea i wasnt accusing him of lying i just thought it was funny how he acted sometimes...that's all...Glad your "over" it and im sure he's sorry for what he did...But still no excuse for that kind of activity.
lol Nope, haven't met them... just read what their customers say about them. I'm in Cali, they're in FL... maybe someday lol.
Oh no Michael I didn't take it any way. I just wanted to say how it was. I know he can be a bit persistent. For anyone that knows, that is a definite understatement.

I just wish bad things wouldn't happen so nobody would have to feel bad but sh#t happens all the time. We Cubans have a saying, "The manure, the more you stir it, the more it stinks".

Angela, it would be our pleasure. We'll be racing, something, hopefully soon :cheer: :cheer:

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You guys coming to Houston Vivian? I'm planning on it... just not totally sure if my rig will be there, or I'll be flying in and renting something pathetic lol
Not sure yet. We're kind of tied to the farm for right now waiting on oak season. :rockwoot: If you rent, go for a PT Cruiser. Their pretty comfy and you can do burnouts :evil

ROTFL!! Thanks Vivian, I'll keep that in mind. Maybe I can even get a 25 second run out of it lol. I've already been advised to purchase the extra insurance lol... I can see you diesel people have done this gasser rental stuff before ;)