Should have bought a manual


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Hey guys I have whats probably a newbie question here but be gental. Why is it that the valve body by Goerend one pure diesel power says.

"For liability reasons, we CANNOT sell this item without the billet apply lever, strap, & anchor."

I have read some where that people were not satisfied with BD valve bodies why is this? i also noticed they are allot cheaper.

Can any one tell me their expierence with any valve body. How hard are they to install also?

If i missed all this in the search part of the website please let me know.

thanks for the help :Cheer:
The Goerend Valve Body increases the apply pressure to the 2nd gear servo that pushes the stock apply lever, stock strut, stock band, and eventually the band pulls against the stock anchor. The stock apply lever, strut, and anchor are sometime damaged with stock pressure so as a safety precaution, upgraded parts are needed for the increased stress from the higher pressure servo.
right on man thats what i was looking for. i dont quit understand how autos work i think is why i had so many questions. but that kind of sums it up for me big blue