Single CP3 Shootout, whos gona make it?

Don't worry John it will have bigger and better pumps and it already has better injectors, OURS. It will get bigger injectors as well. It will be a great show next year as Canada is already getting cold.
this show like 10 yrs olds playing my peter is bigger than yours.

All you guys make a good products and it's not like you're going to win the Nobel prize by have the bigger peter or fastest truck. I don't know, maybe it's me...I'm not seeing the reasoning here.

Why wouldn't everyone help each other to make a superior product for the consumer ( who BTW is why you guys are in business and most likely got you all to where you are )

All that can come of this is bragging rights. I had no idea that was so important to so many.

Oh, the man drama ! :bang
Dreaver has a fast truck...his pass in Edmonton was crazy awesome.
However he did not get into the tens on fuel only.

Hey Brady how is your shipping policy these days?
Diesel performance vendors will ultimately progress towards unity. As this market is relatively new, we are all working to establish ourselves for future growth. This doesn't leave much room for unification. As products become more exotic, it will be necessary to put things aside and move forward. Since there is access to the things we need, it allows us to become independant.

You are right Ty, the consumer is who we are here for. I am well aware of that, and do all I can to serve their needs. I am sure the others do as well.

I think what we all fail to realize, is how far we have come in such a short time. I think we should step back and take a serious look. Reflecting on our accomplishments, should influence a better tomorrow.
For me its getting past the BS.... John knows me very well I have the upmost respect for him. But I dont have for II. Why the BS there way into all of this. LOOK, John has come out and said LETS GO IM READY, where the *&&% is everyone else????????? Shane is up for it, but no disrespect to you, II is still trying to make sure the pile of crap is goin to do what they want, This is the reason I go with Floor It, No Bull Chit. II is draggin there feet hoping all this BS goes away, but its not, chit or git off the pot Brady. Its go time. It pissed me off Brady sayin that crap ( John you dont want me to start talkin about the past) Well just like everything else that comes from II, is BS!!!!!!! Did he follow up, HELL NO....... PUT UP OR SHUT UP......
Shanes last post is right on. All of our competitive natures brings this type of a thread. John has also said he does not like the bashing here. I said earlier and still mean it, I don't want to see or be a part of any bashing. It always boils down to the same FEW guys causing the ruckus. The 3 of us in this case end up feeling that we have to defend our selves. (John, Shane and myself). Diesel Motorsports has come a long way in a short time. We are proud to be a part of this amazing growth. We have all three agreed to testing pumps. The problem as I see it is finding a nutural place that we agree on. This agreement should not be decided on this thread but on the phone or email. Thanks, Brady
Diesel performance vendors will ultimately progress towards unity. As this market is relatively new, we are all working to establish ourselves for future growth. This doesn't leave much room for unification. As products become more exotic, it will be necessary to put things aside and move forward. Since there is access to the things we need, it allows us to become independant.

You are right Ty, the consumer is who we are here for. I am well aware of that, and do all I can to serve their needs. I am sure the others do as well.

I think what we all fail to realize, is how far we have come in such a short time. I think we should step back and take a serious look. Reflecting on our accomplishments, should influence a better tomorrow.


Ive been reading this for some time now. And that was the best thing Ive seen from everyone.....Right on Shane...:rockwoot:
Shanes last post is right on. All of our competitive natures brings this type of a thread. John has also said he does not like the bashing here. I said earlier and still mean it, I don't want to see or be a part of any bashing. It always boils down to the same FEW guys causing the ruckus. The 3 of us in this case end up feeling that we have to defend our selves. (John, Shane and myself). Diesel Motorsports has come a long way in a short time. We are proud to be a part of this amazing growth. We have all three agreed to testing pumps. The problem as I see it is finding a nutural place that we agree on. This agreement should not be decided on this thread but on the phone or email. Thanks, Brady

Ok, good. Now that you're all friends again, work out a time and place to show off your best work. (the point of this whole thread)
What's really funny is that NONE of you guys have been honest enough to say, "Along side of being competitive and wanting the sport to grow, I'M DOING THIS TO MAKE SOME MONEY AND PAY THE BILLS"!!!!!

All BS aside, It's that simple!!! "PROFIT" IS NOT A DIRTY WORD!!!!

With the economy the way it is, You guys are competing for $ in a "Shrinking" MOD market!!!

I Wish All of you guys Success because that mean's that We buyers will always have options for our source of products!!!!!!

Now back to the BS!!!! LOL
What's really funny is that NONE of you guys have been honest enough to say, "Along side of being competitive and wanting the sport to grow, I'M DOING THIS TO MAKE SOME MONEY AND PAY THE BILLS"!!!!!

All BS aside, It's that simple!!! "PROFIT" IS NOT A DIRTY WORD!!!!

With the economy the way it is, You guys are competing for $ in a "Shrinking" MOD market!!!

I Wish All of you guys Success because that mean's that We buyers will always have options for our source of products!!!!!!

Now back to the BS!!!! LOL

WoW never expected that out of the Big Swole :clap:
We have dyno tuning at the end of the month in Cali.... Bring all pumps and representives.....

come on .....

we can pick and unbiased truck and Marco would like to be an unbiased judge.

really bring it...... you have 2 weeks notice :doh:
WoW never expected that out of the Big Swole :clap:


Thanks Bob =)!!! I wasn't always a cop....SALES is my true back ground and that was always my favorite line and it's true!!

Profit is not a dirty word!!

I love the fact that we have so many options in this sport!!!
I would do it for free, but the wife won't let me...LOL

Seriously, I enjoy my "JOB" of course we need to profit, to pay our bills and hopefully have a little left to invest into new ideas. I have served all types, from soccer moms to tuners to offroaders, drag racers, circle track, really all types. Their is absolutely no group of hot rodders who are more respectful, honest and enthusiastic than the Diesel crowd. None that I have met seem to have the "know it all" attitude you find with other forms motorsports, well except one we all know. I really enjoy what I do, more than money, I enjoy it when someone is really pleased with something I sold that I built, and it works like I said it would. To me that is the most important thing.
I would do it for free, but the wife won't let me...LOL

Seriously, I enjoy my "JOB" of course we need to profit, to pay our bills and hopefully have a little left to invest into new ideas. I have served all types, from soccer moms to tuners to offroaders, drag racers, circle track, really all types. Their is absolutely no group of hot rodders who are more respectful, honest and enthusiastic than the Diesel crowd. None that I have met seem to have the "know it all" attitude you find with other forms motorsports, well except one we all know. I really enjoy what I do, more than money, I enjoy it when someone is really pleased with something I sold that I built, and it works like I said it would. To me that is the most important thing.

Thanks for all you do!!!
What's really funny is that NONE of you guys have been honest enough to say, "Along side of being competitive and wanting the sport to grow, I'M DOING THIS TO MAKE SOME MONEY AND PAY THE BILLS"!!!!!

All BS aside, It's that simple!!! "PROFIT" IS NOT A DIRTY WORD!!!!

With the economy the way it is, You guys are competing for $ in a "Shrinking" MOD market!!!

I Wish All of you guys Success because that mean's that We buyers will always have options for our source of products!!!!!!

Now back to the BS!!!! LOL

A M E N!!!! In todays problematic economy that what we are all doing Is tryin to pay the Bills!!!
It's better than having to watch Greys Anatomy ain't it ? LOL

Bull****. You were just at my house asking me if I Tivo'd last weeks grey's anatomy cause you missed it. Did you not go on to tell me how you identified with the plastic surgeon doctor?
We have dyno tuning at the end of the month in Cali.... Bring all pumps and representives.....

come on .....

we can pick and unbiased truck and Marco would like to be an unbiased judge.

really bring it...... you have 2 weeks notice :doh:

I'll be there with one of the vendor's (brand new) stage 3. Count me in.