Smarty CR vin locked $300.00


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Picked it up off a buddy that came from a truck that was repoed with it still in the computer. Everything is there and I have the vin off the truck also. I was told it can be unlocked but Bob Wagner says the only way is to upgrade to POD. That would cost 220.00. So you would have $520 in a POD Smarty
S06. Best way for a response is to Pm me and Ill get back with ya.
is there any other way to unlock it without having to send it off?
and to upgrade a purchase receipt is required. TOO many stolen smartys floating around.

I hate theives and wont support stolen ****
holly hell good thng i didnt send him the money untill i asked you bob, so did you ever talk to this guy then, in his post he is stating it can be unlocked, and hit me back on a pm about the super revo price and stuff.
I did talk to Bob just last week and he said that I could do it. I guess I need to contact him again and just upgrade it myself. I dont understand why you people are asking me if it can be unlocked. IT SAYS RIGHT THERE IN MY POST THAT BOB WAGNER SAID IT CANNOT BE UNLOCKED ONLY UPGRADED I dont know how some of you are getting to adulthood without be able to read??????????????? If I had known it was going to be such a problem I would have just upgraded it myself and then sold it.
when they repo a vehicle they should let you go get personal items out of it, including software...... most likely too late for that, but lesson learned. I'm with Bob on this one, too easy for one guy to load up a tune, then sell the smarty cheap and hope to get it unloacked for the next truck. sounds horible, but sneaky folks could do just that trying to avoid the cost of a new smarty.
I was told it can be unlocked but Bob Wagner says the only way is to upgrade to POD.

I read your post buddy..... As did everyone else. There is no cannot, nor any contraction thereof. Bob set your ass on fire.. I would want it deleted too...
I read your post buddy..... As did everyone else. There is no cannot, nor any contraction thereof. Bob set your ass on fire.. I would want it deleted too...

I guess I should have been alittle more clear for the slower people as yourself. I was told by the guy I purchased it from that it could but that is not the case. If your not interested in purchasing it then dont post
I want it deleted because it has turned into a big mess and for reasons that dont concern you so fuk off.