Smarty CR vin locked $300.00

I'll pay the shipping if you send it to me for free. I need a good code reader... for my wife's SUV!!!:hehe:
I'll take it for free.. My Dad would love to have one to keep in the truck as a code reader.. he doesn't keep his in the truck for fear of someone stealing it. Kind of like what probably happened here...

And yes Bob said it could be upgraded. WITH A RECEIPT, got one?
If it's free I'll take it for a buddies 12v that way when people ask what he's running he can pull it out and say smarty. LOL

That's not a bad idea! Hey Bob, got any fakes hanging around? :Cheer:
Just sitting back watching this in case my internet ninja skills are needed.
when they repo a vehicle they should let you go get personal items out of it, including software...... most likely too late for that, but lesson learned. I'm with Bob on this one, too easy for one guy to load up a tune, then sell the smarty cheap and hope to get it unloacked for the next truck. sounds horible, but sneaky folks could do just that trying to avoid the cost of a new smarty.
repo companies dont wake u up at 3am to come outside and get ur stuff out of the truck.... thats why they come that late, to get it and haul ass!
anyone thinking of buying this I have a email I could forward you from the daughter of a dead diamond miner that is looking to share the wealth...........
anyone thinking of buying this I have a email I could forward you from the daughter of a dead diamond miner that is looking to share the wealth...........

sad that all you got to do on a saturday night is to talk some senseless **** on your computer, that in person you wouldnt have the balls to do.

Just so everyone is clear, and i know you arent going to beleive me, but this thing is not stolen. It was out of a repoed truck and I purchased it from Whitepowerstrok. I have been on this board for a couple of years and i know the deal with these programmers. But before purchasing it I did discuss it with the right person and that one detail was left out. I need a receipt to have it upgraded. I guess im out 200 bucks, which is ok with me I just dont want people to think in the future when I try to sell stuff that im a theif and I try to sell stolen ****.
Had nothing to do with you selling a tuner, when your selling a product YOUR a salesman and your selling yourself at the same time. Once your attitude and failure to comprehend the earlier posts got the best of you it was over from there.
Can I adjust rail pressure on this one? What about proof of the 2 hundred grands that came with it? Is this enough? LMFAO

sad that all you got to do on a saturday night is to talk some senseless **** on your computer, that in person you wouldnt have the balls to do.

Just so everyone is clear, and i know you arent going to beleive me, but this thing is not stolen. It was out of a repoed truck and I purchased it from Whitepowerstrok. I have been on this board for a couple of years and i know the deal with these programmers. But before purchasing it I did discuss it with the right person and that one detail was left out. I need a receipt to have it upgraded. I guess im out 200 bucks, which is ok with me I just dont want people to think in the future when I try to sell stuff that im a theif and I try to sell stolen ****.

You joined July 0f 2009. It's April of 2010. That would be 9 months, give or take a few weeks. Far cry from a "couple of years".

Do you realize that you're trying to be just as much of an internet bad ass as the next guy. Based on your complex we are giving you, I suspect you're the true retard. .

For the record, if you have to resort to violence because your can't handle words; you have issues. Consult a shrink.