Smarty ERROR 14

SO what was the problem here?

unplugging, drying up with an old detail rag and replugging in the fan clutch connector cleared it up.

However, I had one additional situation later that day were the com error occurred. I started it and went for a spin. Changed a tune after I warmed it up and that worked. Tested that tune and tried a new one again and it wouldn't tune! But I wasn't stuck, it just never could start. I went home and just waited an hour and it worked without touching a thing.

Since then I've made 10-15 tune changes between 1.6 and 1.5 and it's been perfect.

I did run the truck though the car wash again today.... i'll try to tune it when I get it parked in the driveway in it's normal spot for giggles. heh

I plan to swap to an electric fan sometime this winter. So I may just unplugged the fan plug sooner.