So, my wife buys me this truck for my birthday...

looks good always cool to see someone doing something different i hate seeing the exact same truck on the road.
looks good always cool to see someone doing something different i hate seeing the exact same truck on the road.
Well thank you!

Mostly people take pictures and laugh at me when they drive by. :doh:

But this is my last truck. I'm 46 years old and at the rate at which I drive and the longevity I expect from this thing, it's mine till I'm dead. So, with absolutely no worry about resale...I'm just doing what I would if I were the only person left on the planet.

I like it.

I just did my first full tank mileage with the bully off. 16.9 MPG around town. That's got to be close to 20 on cruise control on the open road. That was my goal. A switch to bring on a bit more power and my 18mpg average back.

My buddy laughs at me. He said "Get a freakin Prius if you want mileage fag!"
Your buddy is right:D

I'm glad you like the boxes. I think they are beyond fugly. But hey, it aint my truck.
Man, do whatever you want with that thing. It's your truck.

Sucks that you think your life is over at 46! Lol
Not over. Hell, I retired at 36... I'm just saying that this truck will be the last one that I buy. It's going to go around the world with my wife and I starting in summer 12 with an off road camper .

I aint sayin I won't rip around in Ferraris and ****. :-)

Or hit the road on one of these again:

I'm just sayin it's my last truck.

I've only put 80,000 miles on it since 06. At this rate, It should last till I'm dead. :woohoo:
You can't type the four letter word for doo doo on this website? :-0

Golly! LOL
well played sir! :D

if I was going to trust a vehicle to drive around the world, it wouldn't be a common rail! LOL

12v FTW
well played sir! :D

if I was going to trust a vehicle to drive around the world, it wouldn't be a common rail! LOL

12v FTW
Now you have me wondering... (And that's why I'm here, to learn...)

Why would I not want to take this thing on an extended trip? With these mild mods, I have to think that I have retained reliability somewhat?

As far as I could tell this Cummins engine gets 800,000 miles pretty steady. I saw one start up in the dead of winter with a million, 250,000 miles on it. Same motor as mine. That's why I decided on the truck and put the silly Banks stuff on it and a mild programmer. I want reliability and decent fuel mileage. (In a non Prius vehicle.)

That BMW motorcycle that I rode for a year, 57,000 miles was/is fuel injected, which I didn't really like, but it sure was nice that it ran perfect at all times even at altitude and the only thing I ever did to it was adjust the valves and change fluids and tires.
nothing is as reliable as mechanical injection... especially the P7100 equipped Cummins.

If you're just talking about cross country stuff? the common rail will do you just fine... if you're talking about venturing into dangerous territory like south America, etc. I don't think I could bet my life on a common fail
Now you have me wondering... (And that's why I'm here, to learn...)

Why would I not want to take this thing on an extended trip? With these mild mods, I have to think that I have retained reliability somewhat?

As far as I could tell this Cummins engine gets 800,000 miles pretty steady. I saw one start up in the dead of winter with a million, 250,000 miles on it. Same motor as mine. That's why I decided on the truck and put the silly Banks stuff on it and a mild programmer. I want reliability and decent fuel mileage. (In a non Prius vehicle.)

That BMW motorcycle that I rode for a year, 57,000 miles was/is fuel injected, which I didn't really like, but it sure was nice that it ran perfect at all times even at altitude and the only thing I ever did to it was adjust the valves and change fluids and tires.

Even tough he loves the 12V and its rightly an extremely reliable setup.. hes still pulling your chain... Your CR should be fine.

I cant say Ive seen your truck even though i get out that way quite a bit. Ill be sure to wave as I'm passing... :bigsmile:
not even... I've been in the middle of nowhere in Egypt... we were relying on a mechanically injected diesel, and I didn't really have any worries.

he said he was going around the world in that thing, and it looks like he's got the money to do it! :D

if he's serious about excursions into sketchy areas, I would pick a 12v every day over the CR :o
not even... I've been in the middle of nowhere in Egypt... we were relying on a mechanically injected diesel, and I didn't really have any worries.

he said he was going around the world in that thing, and it looks like he's got the money to do it! :D

if he's serious about excursions into sketchy areas, I would pick a 12v every day over the CR :o
I'm not a rich person at all. I just spend every dime on fun. I save, pay bills, and split for years at a time. I have nothing in the bank and don't ever plan to. I don't even own that cummins yet. I have 14 more payments...but, as soon as it's mine? I'm on the road jack. :snoop:

I will be the old man, sweeping the parking lot at McDonalds with a snyde smile on my face and a lifetime full of memories as most roll to the golf course in their BMWs, fat and happy that they have duckets in the bank. :-)

And, I never make, I don't know where I'll end up in the world. I've already traveled everywhere I had had deep interest in seeing. My wife has never left home! I want to show her every inch of our beautiful country before taking off to wherever she wants to go next. I told her we should start with the grand canyon and then...just see what strikes her fancy on the map...
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Well then , if you are truly traveling the world, go mechanical. Id agree with Forrest on that completely.