Spec's for Elite's cams??

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no duration, all lift !!! FTW

Overlap is your friend. But usually only when he needs something. Since cause you have a truck and he needs that big screen tv delivered. But he is gonna get you a 6 pack. Cause in the friend world helping him move a 10k dollar TV is worth $8.68.
Overlap is your friend. But usually only when he needs something. Since cause you have a truck and he needs that big screen tv delivered. But he is gonna get you a 6 pack. Cause in the friend world helping him move a 10k dollar TV is worth $8.68.


.....drinkin already........or still?:hehe:
ard to break 40's loose at 25-30mph. Truck pulls hard all the way to 4k and more.
Overlap is your friend. But usually only when he needs something. Since cause you have a truck and he needs that big screen tv delivered. But he is gonna get you a 6 pack. Cause in the friend world helping him move a 10k dollar TV is worth $8.68.

glad you got me buddy!!! thats what friends are for!!!
Or maybe they are scared that if they released that information, someone could just take their own camshaft to a reputable shop, and have it ground for half as much money...:kick:

If you're that serious about getting a cam buy an Elite cam....stop trying to cheap out!! :kick:

They are the ones that spent the money on R&D developing their cams so why would they give out their specs.....and BTW their cams do work very well!!! :rockwoot:
its not exactly cheapin out,,its bein logical! if you have the specs,you get it re-gound to those specs for 250-450 bones..if its a good shop you would normally have good COSTOMER SERVICE!! besides that they arent the only ones the have a cam for a 6.0 lets just say some where in ohio
Then go to them for a cam. But to want specs just to copy a grind some one spent time and money developing is being a POS IMO.
its not exactly cheapin out,,its bein logical! if you have the specs,you get it re-gound to those specs for 250-450 bones..if its a good shop you would normally have good COSTOMER SERVICE!! besides that they arent the only ones the have a cam for a 6.0 lets just say some where in ohio

Then why have any shops?

Hell all a "stage 1" fuel system consists of is lines. Why didn't you just ask trusted for line specs and make your own?
Then go to them for a cam. But to want specs just to copy a grind some one spent time and money developing is being a POS IMO.

My reasons for getting my cam reground: $2700.00

I'm sure at that price, they can sell a whole bunch of them:umno:...but I can't afford that kinda cash for JUST a cam and lifters...then to have to buy the valve springs on top of that, plus every other damn thing that I want to do to it while it's out this time...forget it.

You wanna swap your engine out for an engine that has tons of different combinations...THAT HAS BEEN DONE 1000s of time before, fly at it. You gave up on the 6.0L...and to come on here and call me a POS because I'm trying to build one by saving some cash cause I don't have it....screw you. I work for the money I spend on my vehicles...maybe I don't make as much as you...my fault again.

I can't understand why everytime people want to do something themselves, they get cut down, insulted, and just plain ridiculed on the forums.

.....this kinda $h!t is gettin old.
Nice work Doug.....:hehe:

Like why do we even have performance shops doing R&D work and releasing products when we have little spys on these stupid forums trying to pry info out of others so they can go run to other shops with what they find.....pretty dirty business if you ask me. :doh: :badidea:
If you actually bought 10% of all the BS you talk on here you might have something. If you can't pay, stop playing. You piss and moan about wanting what you can not have but blow off the people who have done it AND offer you help. Just proves to me what a dumbass you really are. If you want to do something yourself then by all means do it. But to come on a forum and solicit specs with the intention of having someone's product copied is a bull**** move. You have done nothing to that engine that I didn't do in 2005 so maybe you should move on too. Your failing

EDIT: This is directed at over-extended poser
If you can't pay, stop playing. You piss and moan about wanting what you can not have but blow off the people who have done it AND offer you help. Just proves to me what a dumbass you really are. If you want to do something yourself then by all means do it. But to come on a forum and solicit specs with the intention of having someone's product copied is a bull**** move.

EDIT: This is directed at over-extended poser

Exactly!! How many times people have offered assistance including myself and Shawn that live not that far away but still he has a POS truck that doesn't run......:bang:bang
If you actually bought 10% of all the BS you talk on here you might have something. If you can't pay, stop playing. You piss and moan about wanting what you can not have but blow off the people who have done it AND offer you help. Just proves to me what a dumbass you really are. If you want to do something yourself then by all means do it. But to come on a forum and solicit specs with the intention of having someone's product copied is a bull**** move. You have done nothing to that engine that I didn't do in 2005 so maybe you should move on too. Your failing

EDIT: This is directed at over-extended poser

I was starting to think that only a select few and myself had any common sense:bang
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