Spec's for Elite's cams??

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It is nice to know that cummins cams debates aren't the only ones that stir up the dust. One thing to remember is that just because someone knows the duration at .050" lift and the total lift number, they can get a cam that looks similar but be way off on the performance because of differing ramp rates. Specs should not be hidden from anybody but if you are trying to copy it is just not that easy.

thank OHIO canucks!!

Then why have any shops?

Hell all a "stage 1" fuel system consists of is lines. Why didn't you just ask trusted for line specs and make your own?

WOW did I piss in someones food or what????? Im just saying a WELL KNOWN OHIO shop gave me the specs I need for a cam this year,gave me everything I need to know...just goto get it done. if you dont think he hasnt spent COUNTLESS hours grinding and swaping cams. he did a total of 8 different cams in one motor which was quite possibly one of the highest hp fuel only 6.0`s ever built...and I do believe he did most of the R&D for them elite piles!

TRAIN whats your problem, I can make my own but if someone else is gonna make em for me and then not charge me for any of it...why the hell not.. you cant tell me you wouldnt take that offer.! but im just and idiot what do I know. im sure ivan has common sense,,if not his tuck wouldnt run at all.

doug, if its such a big deal to you,,,why dont you make or offer one??? Havent seen a gogo fuel system yet??

who cares if ivan doesnt want help, some people just want to do it their selves,if its focked up then so be it,if not then your good to go..
WOW did I piss in someones food or what????? Im just saying a WELL KNOWN OHIO shop gave me the specs I need for a cam this year,gave me everything I need to know...just goto get it done. if you dont think he hasnt spent COUNTLESS hours grinding and swaping cams. he did a total of 8 different cams in one motor which was quite possibly one of the highest hp fuel only 6.0`s ever built...and I do believe he did most of the R&D for them elite piles!

TRAIN whats your problem, I can make my own but if someone else is gonna make em for me and then not charge me for any of it...why the hell not.. you cant tell me you wouldnt take that offer.! but im just and idiot what do I know. im sure ivan has common sense,,if not his tuck wouldnt run at all.

doug, if its such a big deal to you,,,why dont you make or offer one??? Havent seen a gogo fuel system yet??

who cares if ivan doesnt want help, some people just want to do it their selves,if its focked up then so be it,if not then your good to go..

You won't ever see a GoGo fuel system. Show me where you gained something from the fuel system. I have asked for that before. Constantly complaining about it not running right and then not listening to people that tell you what will fix it or what to look for and then buying something that was created to fit a marketing goal is a joke.

The constant. I have a problem so I bought some kit that didn't fix it.

Are you sure you want to be the one to stir the pot. Didn't your other thread get deleted for someone saying you were winning a bunch of tug o truck competitions with a stock truck but people thought you were running the trusted turbo and other "enhancements".
WOW did I piss in someones food or what????? Im just saying a WELL KNOWN OHIO shop gave me the specs I need for a cam this year,gave me everything I need to know...just goto get it done. if you dont think he hasnt spent COUNTLESS hours grinding and swaping cams. he did a total of 8 different cams in one motor which was quite possibly one of the highest hp fuel only 6.0`s ever built...and I do believe he did most of the R&D for them elite piles!

TRAIN whats your problem, I can make my own but if someone else is gonna make em for me and then not charge me for any of it...why the hell not.. you cant tell me you wouldnt take that offer.! but im just and idiot what do I know. im sure ivan has common sense,,if not his tuck wouldnt run at all.

doug, if its such a big deal to you,,,why dont you make or offer one??? Havent seen a gogo fuel system yet??

who cares if ivan doesnt want help, some people just want to do it their selves,if its focked up then so be it,if not then your good to go..

Wow, you shouldn't get so butt hurt because I tugged on the tit you're stuck to.

I was merely pointing out that if everyone copied products and didn't pay for them, there would be no aftermarket.

There is nothing wrong with people testing parts or being sponsored.

Think about it:poke:
Exactly!! How many times people have offered assistance including myself and Shawn that live not that far away but still he has a POS truck that doesn't run......:bang:bang

You know what's funny?

I was asked by Shawn to call a certain vendor after the first time the vendor saw my truck run...he was impressed, and wanted to work out a deal on running a turbo and injectors on my truck...Cool, so I thought. When I called them, they wanted more money for the injectors and turbo then I could have bought them from anywhere else.
-So I guess I was stupid NOT to accept that "Help"...

-I told Shawn that I was working with Trusted Performance right now, and that I didn't want to go behind their back for someone else's products....So...I'm an idiot for that? Am I a dumbass for sticking with a company that has helped me with any questions I had about their products? I'm stupid for not getting your twins on my truck??? I don't think so...I just think since Trusted Performance has given me the chance to prove their stuff, I will wait for their products...

What makes you think my truck is a POS?

I have a shake right now that I can't seems to find, and Shawn's suggestion was to pull the front drive shaft out...well, both front and rear shafts have been balanced on my truck...that's not it...so I gotta go deeper.

Was it when I asked for a newer engine cover, so I could put the newer pump on my engine like Doug said?
.....wait....I listened to Doug's advice, but as soon as I try to find a used cover...I get the "Your a cheap, dumba$$, that never listens to anyone who offers help"...."Quit cheaping out!"...WTF???

I was curious as to how much Shawn's twin set-up was...even asked him about it...his reply: $15,000......well sorry, that just isn't gonna phuk!n happen in any lifetime... I will wait for Trusted Performance's twins...but thanks for your "Help".
If you actually bought 10% of all the BS you talk on here you might have something. If you can't pay, stop playing. Just proves to me what a dumbass you really are. If you want to do something yourself then by all means do it. But to come on a forum and solicit specs with the intention of having someone's product copied is a bull**** move. You have done nothing to that engine that I didn't do in 2005 so maybe you should move on too. Your failing

EDIT: This is directed at over-extended poser

Could you explain the first sentance please?
Second sentance: Too late for that, it's a disease.

"You piss and moan about wanting what you can not have but blow off the people who have done it AND offer you help."
Everyone offers help...for a price. I'm not going to turn my back on Trusted Performance...sorry.

I guess you have always had the money, or got your daddy to buy whatever you ever wanted....cause you have NO IDEA what it's like to make "Chicken Soup, outa Chicken $h!T".

I don't have the money for a shop to do any work for me...but that doesn't stop me from trying to do everything myself. I also feel I am pickier then any shop around here...

"But to come on a forum and solicit specs with the intention of having someone's product copied is a bull**** move."-I asked a question...obviously the wrong one, to the wrong people, my mistake. (It was a cheap shot at Elite's high prices.)

"You have done nothing to that engine that I didn't do in 2005 so maybe you should move on too. Your failing"
-At least I'm not giving up...

"EDIT: This is directed at over-extended poser"
......haha name calling....:hehe:
If you actually bought 10% of all the BS you talk on here you might have something. If you can't pay, stop playing. You piss and moan about wanting what you can not have but blow off the people who have done it AND offer you help. Just proves to me what a dumbass you really are. If you want to do something yourself then by all means do it. But to come on a forum and solicit specs with the intention of having someone's product copied is a bull**** move. You have done nothing to that engine that I didn't do in 2005 so maybe you should move on too. Your failing

EDIT: This is directed at over-extended poser

This is something I posted in a different thread:

Hmmm...what's with everyone thinking I don't like them?

Shawn...I have nothing against you at all. We have talked several times on the phone...I'm hesitant on coming up, because I am working with Trusted right now...waiting on some things, but I don't want to go behind their back and get someone else's products...read: "TWINS" after all this time.
I have been meaning to call you on my days off, but with trying to get all the Christmas stuff done on this day's off...it's been nuts....and this little problem with the truck doesn't help out right now, as I have zero time to work on it. It's just getting me down.

Adam...why do you think I don't like you? I just bought a HPOP gauge from you...BTW...Thanks!

Doug:.....your a dick....but you have alot of skill's for these engine's. I would really like to try that intake of your's.

I have just been trying to think about when a good time to do this is...and I'm coming up empty handed. Seems that everytime I go out to the shop, I'm taking time away from my family. I'm feeling guilty about taking time to work on my truck...and it's starting to show.

....So me picking my family over my truck is a duma$$ move, or...was I stupid?

Seems there may be alot of members on here that don't have a wife and kids yet...maybe they do, but I will NOT pick a damn truck over my family at any point of my life...
-I told Shawn that I was working with Trusted Performance right now, and that I didn't want to go behind their back for someone else's products....So...I'm an idiot for that? Am I a dumbass for sticking with a company that has helped me with any questions I had about their products? I'm stupid for not getting your twins on my truck??? I don't think so...I just think since Trusted Performance has given me the chance to prove their stuff, I will wait for their products...

I was curious as to how much Shawn's twin set-up was...even asked him about it...his reply: $15,000......well sorry, that just isn't gonna phuk!n happen in any lifetime... I will wait for Trusted Performance's twins...but thanks for your "Help".

Now I find this very humorous.....:bang

We just find it funny how you will stick with a company that has proven NOTHING and has no proven "performance" twins out there yet or anything proven out there yet....like how many turbo's have you blown up in the last little bit???

And why do you think you're headgaskets are blown yet again??????

And about that $15000 quote......that was for you to get a fully operational 700hp fuel only truck.....definetly a far cry from what your truck is right now with blown headgaskets and everything else.......
Now I find this very humorous.....:bang

We just find it funny how you will stick with a company that has proven NOTHING and has no proven "performance" twins out there yet or anything proven out there yet....like how many turbo's have you blown up in the last little bit???

And about that $15000 quote......that was for you to get a fully operational 700hp fuel only truck.....definetly a far cry from what your truck is right now with blown headgaskets and everything else.......

......Well I guess this statement PROVES I don't tell you guy's everything. When someone asks me not to say anything because it is "Confidential", at least now they know for sure that they can trust me to keep it between them and me....

As far as how many turbos I have "Blown up".......one....and again, it was a test. No sense in giving details, because it was part of the R&D...not the final product.

"And why do you think you're headgaskets are blown yet again??????"

When were they blown before??????????
Really....WHEN ever where my head gaskets blown??? Before the engine build??? nope....I had a set of cracked heads....not blown head gaskets.

I'll let you know what is wrong with my engine when I find out...that way others may learn from it...

So are you saying that "IF" my head gaskets are blown....while using ARP's...and new stock gaskets....I am the first????:umno:

"Blown head gaskets, AND EVERYTHING ELSE". :what: -More proof you have no idea what I am running anymore...

Please stop making $h!t up as you go......
well, i can tell you this, Elite wont be giving you their specs on cams. make another thread in the staging lanes if you want, but this one is done.
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