stack socks

any one every thought about using a exhaust cut out to expel rain water? In theory it could work perfectly. I've seen 4" cut outs before
any one every thought about using a exhaust cut out to expel rain water? In theory it could work perfectly. I've seen 4" cut outs before

How dare you attempt to suggest a more practical way of potentially solving a problem.

Looks like we've got another one of those assholes that has the gall to try and suggest a potential way to avoid a hopelessly impractical solution.

What a presumptuous ass...

Right? Isn't that what we learned from this thread?
Wow. Once again someone posts up a simple question and some jerkwad fills it up with post about fixing a problem that doesn't exist maily because "we don't give a crap" how you plumbed your pipes. Do you have a link for a stack sock or not? If so, post it or shut the hell up. I wish you'd plumb a stack out yer azz so all your hot air you have been blowing for three weeks would go over our heads and we wouldn't have to deal with you. Can you please gain some courtesy and quit muckin' up everyone's thread with your brilliance? We are sick to death of it.
Wow. Once again someone posts up a simple question and some jerkwad fills it up with post about fixing a problem that doesn't exist maily because "we don't give a crap" how you plumbed your pipes. Do you have a link for a stack sock or not? If so, post it or shut the hell up. I wish you'd plumb a stack out yer azz so all your hot air you have been blowing for three weeks would go over our heads and we wouldn't have to deal with you. Can you please gain some courtesy and quit muckin' up everyone's thread with your brilliance? We are sick to death of it.

Um.... what I did was point out the fact that the guy whom I responded to obviously didn't get the memo you so eloquently laid out above.

Silver 6.0 obviously thinks that what you just responded with above is a crock of sh*t, so he posed an potential solution that would actually be practical, as opposed to the idea that someone would actually stick a cover on and off of their exhaust pipe(s) each time they parked, and then re-entered their truck.

And by God.... we just won't have any of that.

So chillax. I intercepted his attempt at logic and rational thought and spun your line of sh*t for you. Your work is done here. Your above post was actually redundant.
Um.... what I did was point out the fact that the guy whom I responded to obviously didn't get the memo you so eloquently laid out above.

Silver 6.0 obviously thinks that what you just responded with above is a crock of sh*t, so he posed an potential solution that would actually be practical, as opposed to the idea that someone would actually stick a cover on and off of their exhaust pipe(s) each time they parked, and then re-entered their truck.

And by God.... we just won't have any of that.

So chillax. I intercepted his attempt at logic and rational thought and spun your line of sh*t for you. Your work is done here. Your above post was actually redundant.

again chucky:blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1:What makes you think a person would hafta put the cover on the stack each and every time the truck was parked. There wouldn't be any need to do that and it would be practical with very little effort.

You already made it known that it would be a waste of time, which is YOUR OWN OPINION. Everyone has there own...and seeing as you see no need for a stack cover why bother posting to keep tearing this thread apart.

You crack me up chuckyLOL. Stupid people make me laugh sometimes and we need more of them in this world like you to give us a good laugh every day cause it makes the day go by so much better. gotta love your stupidity :clap:
again chucky:blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1:What makes you think a person would hafta put the cover on the stack each and every time the truck was parked. There wouldn't be any need to do that and it would be practical with very little effort.

I see. I didn't realize your name was Jesus. I now understand that you personally know that it will never rain when you walk away from your truck, or go into a store, or anything like that. I have to admit, omnipotence would be nice. Good on you.

You already made it known that it would be a waste of time, which is YOUR OWN OPINION. Everyone has there own...and seeing as you see no need for a stack cover why bother posting to keep tearing this thread apart.

Well, I learned all of the above, and just wanted to pass the lesson along to the next asshole who thought he would actually pose a potential solution that was actually practical. Since nobody had set that asshole straight, I just wanted to let him know that we don't take kindly to people offering suggestions on potentially smarter ways to accomplish the same goal. Just trying to step in line with you guys.

You crack me up chuckyLOL. Stupid people make me laugh sometimes and we need more of them in this world like you to give us a good laugh every day cause it makes the day go by so much better. gotta love your stupidity :clap:

Yes..... on the one hand we have a guy unwilling to even entertain any potential solutions to water entering a stack, because he's apparently content with physically installing and removing a cover from his truck's exhaust every time he uses it........ err, sorry, forgot you were omnipotent and only had to do this when you knew it would rain... so a guy that's content to cover and uncover his exhaust each and every time it's going to rain, or is raining, and on the other, we've got a guy trying to figure out an actual solution to water getting in a stack and having to be blown back out onto the truck when the truck is cranked by suggesting something completely automatic, that handles rainwater 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without so much as a thought about it from the operator. Coincidentally, the exact same method employed by equipment manufacturers for the same purpose. I'd love to see the section of the owner's manual for any dozers, pans, excavators or anything else that explains the part about sticking a sock over the exhaust pipe exit before leaving the machine for the day...

I see, yes, the second is the dumb one of the pair.

C'mon chucky let all the anger's ok, just breath in deep and let us all have it. You can even cry if you want to. Why you so angry...has someone pee'd in your cheerios every day since you were born or do you have a chitty diaper that needs changing?
Since nobody had set that asshole straight, I just wanted to let him know that we don't take kindly to people offering suggestions on potentially smarter ways to accomplish the same goal. Just trying to step in line with you guys.


Oh and Who's this "WE" that you're talking about?...Seems like you're the only doosh who's been stupid in this thread.
I think instead of "little winky" syndrome that requires the short folks to drive very large truck with training wheels, he suffers from "little mind" syndrome. This requires posting obvious flaws in everyone else's videos, designs, or grammar instead of the question at hand to gain one's self worth and sense of belonging to something bigger than him/herself.
I think instead of "little winky" syndrome that requires the short folks to drive very large truck with training wheels, he suffers from "little mind" syndrome. This requires posting obvious flaws in everyone else's videos, designs, or grammar instead of the question at hand to gain one's self worth and sense of belonging to something bigger than him/herself.

Because a stack cover has absolutely nothing at all to do with wanting to keep water from filling the the exhaust on a truck with a stack...

(looks around to see if anyone in sight might actually have a functional brain)

Because if a "stack sock" had anything at all to do with keeping rainwater from sitting in the exhaust, then a suggestion on how to automatically cope with such a thing that didn't involve the driver to cover and uncover his exhaust all the time might be 100% relevant to the issue.

But alas, we've proven that not to be the case. So the sock must just be for cosmetic use. After all, the OP has made it clear that you don't put it on each time you leave the truck parked anyway. So it must not be intended as a way to handle the problems associated with rain. Unless he's omnipotent and knows every time it could possibly rain.

Oh darn, we've already covered this ground and I'm getting redundant now. I guess that's what happens when people keep whiffing basic concepts though.