stock oil feed fitting to an line/secondary oil feed to an line

Just because its 1/8 npt doesn't mean the orifice actually measures 1/8 of an inch.
I run -4 line on my primary. Think about it, its 1/4" hose and an 1/8" fitting, what is going to cause the most restriction?

i agree, 1/8th fitting is gona choke the $hit of it.but im always one for over kill:lolly:.
If you run a typical over/under twin setup, how long do the oil lines need to be? Ima gonna order feed lines, i was wondering wat length lines to order? Sorry 4 the hi jack
I actually fed both my turbos with one 3/8" feed line that went to a T fitting, then to each turbo (with 3/8" feed lines)... I had something else plumbed into the 1/8" npt fitting.

If I had been thinking, I'd have drilled/tapped that 1/8" fitting out to 1/4" when I had the motor apart rebuilding it. LOL......
Just because its 1/8 npt doesn't mean the orifice actually measures 1/8 of an inch.

You're right, but it sure as hell isn't going to be 1/4" diameter either. Pipe sizes are names for their nominal ID. So a 1/4" pipe is going to have a ~1/4" ID, 1/2" pipe is going to be ~1/2" ID. They didn't just pick the numbers out of thin air.