stucky's truck

AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh....I see we have one of those "drugs are cheating" fellers on board.
Last I heard...drag racing was about who crosses the line first. Aparently Stuckey did that a LOT last year....
Either get you some drugs...or peck away at your keyboard griping about those who did....because if you had enough on fuel only...I guess you'd have the trophy.

ouch..LOL :rockwoot:
AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh....I see we have one of those "drugs are cheating" fellers on board.
Last I heard...drag racing was about who crosses the line first. Aparently Stuckey did that a LOT last year....
Either get you some drugs...or peck away at your keyboard griping about those who did....because if you had enough on fuel only...I guess you'd have the trophy.

i'm not against the bottle i have tried it. we made big stupid horsepower with very little effort and no high performance parts required not impressed.
on the other hand it takes alot more time effort high performance parts turbos
and alot of tuning skill to make a diesel engine burn alot of diesel fuel to make big horsepower on fuel only. so the 100,000.00 motor refered to by dennis was what i commented about not your bottle no bottle opinion.
AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh....I see we have one of those "drugs are cheating" fellers on board.
Last I heard...drag racing was about who crosses the line first. Aparently Stuckey did that a LOT last year....
Either get you some drugs...or peck away at your keyboard griping about those who did....because if you had enough on fuel only...I guess you'd have the trophy.

Ummmmm Richard..he HAS a trophy from the last year of no drugs LOL LOL LOL
Times change Billy...dem dam drugs are here to stay. You either move forward or get left behind....but what do I know...I drive a damned Ford. LOL
i'm not saying i want ever use them. my comment was about $100,000.00 motor. if you bought everthing shield, hailsey, keating, and any other diesel shop in the world offerred and developed some parts on your own you could not spend half of that.
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quarterman said:
i'm not saying i want ever use them. my comment was about $100,000.00 motor. if you bought everthing shield, hailsey, keating, and any other diesel shop in the world offerred and developed some parts on your own you could not spend half of that.

DP may have been talking out of his hiney with the $100,000.00 comment, but Darren is right, It is MUCH harder to haul ass on fuel. I did notice Jeff was awful clean in Rockingham..... 2 years ago folks would be claiming he was spraying LOL
quarterman said:
dennis if the shoe fits wear it!
unhook the bottle then see whose champion!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:bow: *nx*


How many blown motors are we allowed? LOL For example 1 per race and do we have to use the same tuner? While we are on the subject of removing parts, shouldn't you remove the 2nd Turbo?

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Dennis Perry said:

How many blown motors are we allowed? LOL For example 1 per race and do we have to use the same tuner? While we are on the subject of removing parts, shouldn't you remove the 2nd Turbo?



I dunno if I would take that. :pop:
Dennis Perry said:

How many blown motors are we allowed? LOL For example 1 per race and do we have to use the same tuner? While we are on the subject of removing parts, shouldn't you remove the 2nd Turbo?


dennis i'm sorrry i hadn,t done the math on the $100,000.00

one run maybe good maybe bad maybe a big boom always a blown turbo
1 turbo @$2500.00 x 40 passes = $100,000.00 how stupid of me to miss that.

:bow: *nx*
quarterman said:
dennis i'm sorrry i hadn,t done the math on the $100,000.00

one run maybe good maybe bad maybe a big boom always a blown turbo
1 turbo @$2500.00 x 40 passes = $100,000.00 how stupid of me to miss that.

:bow: *nx*

:cheer: :cheer: :pop: :pop: :cheer: :cheer:
Unbroken, do you know who Quarterman is? He's got a little experience with the whole diesel racing thing.. haha...
Morse said:
Unbroken, do you know who Quarterman is? He's got a little experience with the whole diesel racing thing.. haha...

Quarterman is a "keyboard racer" and he can't do math very well either.:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: Wassup DM? Just messing with ya. I don't think Rich know's who it is. Oh well, where's my damn injector's???*nx*
wrongway said:
Quarterman is a "keyboard racer" and he can't do math very well either.:hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

I heard he is Darren's stalker....that is why he has a pic of Darren's truck as his avatar LOL
Timbeaux38 said:
I heard he is Darren's stalker....that is why he has a pic of Darren's truck as his avatar LOL
Do ya think that this is "THE" Darren Morrison??? OMG:hump:
wrongway said:
Quarterman is a "keyboard racer" and he can't do math very well either.:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: Wassup DM? Just messing with ya. I don't think Rich know's who it is. Oh well, where's my damn injector's???*nx*

i'm not a keyboard racer as a matter of fact i haven't said much at all on any forum. but the comment implies that stuckey or anybody wanting to spray nitrous needs to spend a $100,000.00 on internal hardware to go fast that is assinign.
Earl Stuckey didn't become successful in business by making stupid investments.

dennis how many turbos can you blow up during a race. maybe yall need to change your tuner. maybe you need to remove your bottle and add a turbo.
quarterman said:
Earl Stuckey didn't become successful in business by making stupid investments.

Naw, Earl is sucessful cause he has Matt workin for know that LOL
Timbeaux38 said:
Naw, Earl is sucessful cause he has Matt workin for know that LOL

sorry i forgot about matt slaving away for earl everyday:bs: