Super Stock truck build.

Test will be at an undisclosed location. Hopefully I can get someone to video it.
I've got HD Video and an Expensive DSLR camera that someone else can use because I still suck at taking pictures. I'm sure Hooker would love to get some pictures of that truck in action though.
Not yet Branodn. Something I'm going to have to save up for as soon as I get over the cost of my safety gear.
ReformedRicer has one for the firepunk shop. Let me know and we'll bring it out.
It made it through testing the last couple of weeks and will be at TS for all of us to watch in amazement?

Queations are also sentences...therefore the rules of proper structure still apply. Hence the confusion.
Did a little testing out in front of the shop today. Got a couple bugs worked out of it.
I will say this, a dmax sounds amazing at 6800 RPM and climbing.