
Nice pants!

If I had to guess, that looks like mid 90's right before all the of the big straight legged JNCO jeans and Sagging became the new rave... LOL

Pokin fun at my Jean!! ?? :lolly:

Those are Levi 550's I think... I never could wear much else based on the way I was built...

The 550's had lots of room in the thighs and seat but were tighter in the lower leg ankle area..

I didn't wear loose pants while riding... The thought of having my pant leg get caught up in the chain or something while "Stunting" was NOT a good though...

I'm more of a Cargo pants / BDU style pant guy.... Only wore jeans when riding... They would hold up a bit better in the event I went down..

But thats ok!! Laugh it up!! LOL

This is more my speed and always has been..

Pocket pool player....

Damn Skippy!!

It's mine and I'll play with it when I want!! LOL

When you're young you think it's just a faze you'll grow out of...At my age, You do it every chance you get!! :)


Yes it has!

But a whole lot better than me blown chit up again , huh!
Well at least for me it is! :)

For sure! Comedy is always better than throwing dollars away. Our 02 Volvo S60's trans finally gave up the ghost....$5,100 for a reman from Volvo...woo hoo! :banghead:.
Damn Skippy!!

It's mine and I'll play with it when I want!! LOL

When you're young you think it's just a faze you'll grow out of...At my age, You do it every chance you get!! :)


So it doubles as a Billy club on duty or are you saying you play pocket pool on duty,,,, hehehehe
That Sux!!!! Sorry Bro

Nah its not my car, not my money:woohoo:. If it was id be walking my ass around!

Parents car, but it means when I ask my dad for a few buck for ma trucks (ya I rhyme sometimes) instead of his normal laughing in my face it will be an extra loud laughLOL.

Made it 150K being flogged its whole life. I dont think the Volvo techs serviced it properly during its life though.

Makes me think though, $5,100 for a reman stock trans (everything new but the case- its a trans axle car though)...you could get a seriously built 47RE for that kinda cash..
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I think the gaydar is off the freakin map now! I can smell the gayness from the denver airport! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!
Philip you Punk!!


You just like hearing about my shaved peaches, Don't ya!!???

That was funny though.. I forgot about the pic of that dude!! lol
He thought he was just KEWL!!