Swole's Infamy of Carnage Continues!!

I have had little time lately to get on the internet, as always. LOL

I'm getting closer on your injectors and hope to have them ready this week.
I have had little time lately to get on the internet, as always. LOL

I'm getting closer on your injectors and hope to have them ready this week.

Thank you for the update!!

I'm off on Mon, Tues, and Fri, Sat, Sun!!

hint hint!!:poke:
you should put some lights on you truck so you can chase down bad guys with it and then if it breaks, have work pay to have it fixed since its a work vehicle :lolly:
Je wizz I'm gonna become a LEO they only work 2 days a week! :hehe:

Thats my light week!! But they are two 16.5 hr. days!!!

By the time I get off duty tonight at Midnight, I'll have done almost 44 hrs in Three days!!

And I did 18.5 for Mon. and Tues.....

So trust me....It all equals out!!
any word of ovate in the horizontal plane yet ? soup man knows.........
any word of ovate in the horizontal plane yet ? soup man knows.........

Read this:

Ovate in the Horizontal Plane - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together

I never intended for you to have the ovate injectors. I built those for Kai. I had forgotten that Kai had those and had I remembered they would have never gone to you. Not because of you directly, but because I dont know you.

I am tightening up the ship on my end. A little on the QC side of things to catch this crap and a little on the 'what goes where' side of things. I can do this now and fix any issues we have quickly.

I want you to understand that the ovates are not sold anymore. They are leased or given away people to with the agreement to return them when they are done kicking everyones ass.

I'm done arguing. We are getting nowhere fast. I will try and take a deep breath before I answer emails in the future.

There ya go.

Just wanted to update you guys, Especially the ones that got a bit upset that Don was working on the new stuff for me.

Don and I decided that the new sticks would be put on hold due to the folks that got upset about their products being pushed back for the new G-14 classified sticks for me.

Don wants to make you guys happy and get your products to you. Like I told Don, I'm nobody famous but just imfamous for blowing chit up! I don't deserve being put ahead. The paying customers are far more important.

I'm just going to get my old injectors back with a set of new nozzles on them, for now. I should get them by Tues I hope, and be up and running on Wed. or Thurs.

So, I hope you guys won't be mad at Don or me any longer! Maybe someday when things slow down a bit and you guys have your product, I'll then test the new G-14 SS Injectors.

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Sorry to hear you won't be trying them out soon, but glad to hear you will be up and running shortly.
Im sure you will be looking foward to drive your truck regardless. Im hoping i'll see that day soon.
Good luck...again!
probably just a cover story to cover don's ass for awhile .....

he's probably a bit butt sore after this thread....

i'm glad i'm not the guy tryin to build stuff for these crazy CR boys....

my computer @ home...... f^cks up for no reason

why would i trust it to control say $10,000 worth of my money and *hope* everything is going to be alright....

probably just a cover story to cover don's ass for awhile .....

he's probably a bit butt sore after this thread....

With all due respect, I'm pretty sure I've given nobody on this forum reason to think that I'm a liar..

I'm not covering for Don. Don and I are just trying to do the right thing here.


what r u doin up this early ?

shouldn't you be harassing kids for smokin weed or soemthin
I work days 0545 -1800....Plus my 4 hr. off duty details for extra money....Long days.

This is my off weekend....Thank God!
i hear ya man.... i usually do an 8, six 12's, 8 off, 8 on, 8 off, six more 12's another 8 then off for a week.

week of graveyards, short change, week of days and a week off.
168hrs in 2 weeks.... YAY!!!!
I hear both of you guys...

0400-1900 (1130-1200 for Chow)

no weekends though thank god...

Tank Services Suck!!! our busiest time every 6 months...
i wish i could tell yall i was still working 68hrs a week, but they cut my over time out now im just a 40hr week man. And to top it off now on 2nd shift i think it may be for the rest of my life. And i can tell you i really miss 3rd shift