Test & Tune 2 night


Georgia diesel mafia
Jun 27, 2006
I'm going to the track tonight to test my new lift kit it some rancho 9000 shocks with adjustment should make the super swampers holla. No serious I have fixed the problem and will test tonight will try to post results asap.
Cool! I was wondering if it was the right side body panels, or the exhaust which was hanging too low? I was thinking right side since it appears that the chassis rotates toward the right in response to the engine torque, and that could "squat" the right side of the body into the beams. Regardless of what it is, good luck!

Michael Pliska
Good luck Darren:tree:

And this time if you have a good run, please don't such a big deal out of it:hehe: jk

Actually, can't wait to here how it goes....:rockwoot:
Jeff and Phil Taylor are going T&T tommorow night and I might be going as well....Bring that thing out with us!!!!!!!

Shock the local's with Three Fast A$$ Diesel's on a T&T night!!!!
Don't forget to check with Greg and make sure you can actually make a run first.

Also, make sure that some NFUO official is there to officially unofficially certify it.

Good luck Darren.
Are'nt you from around Dallas somewhere? Will you be going to Denton? Good Luck. Ryan
None of them are from Texas I think. But I didn't know you were from around here. You should pm me your number so I can give you a heads up when there are get togethers at North Star.
Oh ok thanks, ya im east of Dallas by a good hour or so. I would like to make it out to Denton one night and see the track, i understand thiers a few in the PRO cat.'s around our area. Is there ever a good diesel turnout out there? Have yall ever been to Redline?
Ya'll Should Have Seen That Thing Run. It Looked Like Warren Johnson At The Gator Nationals Toting The Front Wheels Out Past The 60' Mark. The Lift Kit And Rancho Shocks Fixed The Light Problem. We Made Two Runs, First Wuz 7.928 @ 166.59 Mph W/ 1.28
60'. Second Pass He Left Hard As He$$ And Run A 7.85 @ 167.32 Mph W/ 1.22 60'.
Ya'll Should Have Seen That Thing Run. It Looked Like Warren Johnson At The Gator Nationals Toting The Front Wheels Out Past The 60' Mark. The Lift Kit And Rancho Shocks Fixed The Light Problem. We Made Two Runs, First Wuz 7.928 @ 166.59 Mph W/ 1.28
60'. Second Pass He Left Hard As He$$ And Run A 7.85 @ 167.32 Mph W/ 1.22 60'.

Dayum that's gettin'r done Darren. Nice!
Ya'll Should Have Seen That Thing Run. It Looked Like Warren Johnson At The Gator Nationals Toting The Front Wheels Out Past The 60' Mark. The Lift Kit And Rancho Shocks Fixed The Light Problem. We Made Two Runs, First Wuz 7.928 @ 166.59 Mph W/ 1.28
60'. Second Pass He Left Hard As He$$ And Run A 7.85 @ 167.32 Mph W/ 1.22 60'.

OK.....For Real???

This is gonna start some chit!!!

I can't wait!!!! LOL
That's badaasss....I guess that really tells all the nay sayers where to shove their foots! :kick:

keep up the good work Darren:rockwoot:
The NFUO is already on it. Those ranchos are really making a difference. I saw the video, it was emailed to me straight from the track, but I have been swarn to secrecy. I think everyone is in for a BIG surprise at the next official event. I think that is a record, if I am not mistaken.
I will not post the time slip and the video we will see about. mickey asked me what he could say and I said to just give the high lights only. These passes were not done to make a record they were for testing only to see if we have the problem under control the video will be viewed only for info purposes by me and a select few in the NFUO and my potential sponsors. Sorry about this but I appreciate your support but again this is testing information only. I'm not claiming any records or any other barriers broken. Mickey didn't tellya that we made some 60' launches also for testing before the runs to make adjustments. Thanks darren.