Texas DHRA Nationals?

Dude....I want to go....you suck....:hehe: Wait 'til you get old and have babies....Lord help us all. :D
yeah thats what i was thinking tyler, trying to decide if i need to call and cancel the airfare or not.
Just checked HRP website
Houston Raceway Park suffered minimal damage to its infrastructure as a result of Hurricane Ike and is scheduled to reopen on backup generator power, Monday, September 22, 2008. All racing activity scheduled for September 19-21, 2008, has been canceled. We will resume normal business operations and our full schedule of events at that time. If you need immediate assistance please send an email to: admin@houstonraceway.com.

The staff at Houston Raceway Park sends our thoughts and prayers to everyone as the rebuilding begins in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike.
Hello. My name is Danny Elmore. I saw where it appears y'all are going to be up and running soon on generator power but wanted to verify that the DHRA Diesel Nationals Event was still a go. Wasn't sure if that was something that could be handled on generator power and it is scheduled for October 11th. There's hundreds of people waiting to see if they need to cancel rooms or not, so please let us know asap. Thanks!

There are more things to worry about than just if the track is ready. The local people may need a little more time to rebuild. Going to a diesel event is prob the last thing on their mind right now. IMO they should set a later date for the same track.
Got this back a few minutes ago:

We will have full power to operate by Oct 11th. The event has not been canceled!

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Guess we just need official word from the DHRA now. :D
There are more things to worry about than just if the track is ready. The local people may need a little more time to rebuild. Going to a diesel event is prob the last thing on their mind right now. IMO they should set a later date for the same track.

Good point, but I know down here after Katrina, getting money rolling back in was essential as well.
Just got this from Eric McBride with the DHRA:

The show is still on for October 11th.

It's still on! :rockwoot:

Danny has been fretting for a week about this. I can hear the releif in his voice through the words he types.
Ready or not we will be there and we'll bring alittle orange infusion.
Well dont think I will get to go even though im like 15 mins away but That fiday night and saturday night I will be up for whatever.