TEXAS Roll Call

First time to ever see a diesel rail dragster was there. Scared the $hit out of me!! Didn't know a whole lot bout diesels then, still don't know a lot now...
The NHRDA is proud to announce that during the Texas Diesel Nationals on April 2nd 2011 we will be raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project.

All proceeds raised from Raffle will go directly to the Wounded Warrior Project following our event.

Raffle Prize tickets will be -

1 ticket for $ 5.00
3 ticket for $10.00
5 tickets for $20.00

The NHRDA would like to thank everyone in advance for helping us raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project.

I have not heard back from John at floor it diesel on dyno I have emailed several time for him to send over contact

So at this time doesn't look like there will be dyno unless things change in a hurry

I am on my home from Florida for a whole 48 hrs then headed to Texas
We will have a booth down there. Brett is scheduled to be there with his better half. Her family lives in the Ft. Worth/Dallas area.
We are still waiting on some custom parts for the trans should be here tomorrow.
I doubt we'll be making it now. We got sent some wrong parts for the new engine and they won't be here in time to get it together in time to leave. Go figure.
I'll be there in the 1st Gen running some blazing fast 14.00's:tree: