Thank God!

Fall in a hole.


Zach, Of course that wasn't direct at me directly, but indirectly at a lot of folks.

Did you on purpose misspell Greg's name? If you did, that's funny :)

Holy sh!t man! Calm down! He's saying thank you to the people buying his stuff, thank you to the people spending their hard earned money with him, thanks to the people going out and working the weekend to make a little extra money to build their truck and better the sport. This isn't a dick measuring contest.
Admit fault and move on. You misunderstood his post. If you can afford to have 30 inch Crome wheels and a fast truck then cool! A lot can't. If that's what's cool to you then do it. But this isn't a Honda civic forum. People are gonna disagree.
Thank God that horsepower is no respecter of persons. That is the one equalizer in the aftermarket world! Horsepower doesn't care if you have $5 or $500,000. It wants what it wants, and that is it. I count myself fortunate to be allowed to look at the same engine every day and try to figure out how to get a little more out of it.

Here is to all of the people that scrounged around the junk yard and found the charger off the M-11 to put on their 5.9l, to all of the people that do their own timing, to all of the people that tried something with their trucks that someone on the forums said would not work, to all of the people that bought valve springs to spin the R's and not the 22" rims and bling, to all of the people that are after nothing other than that feeling when you get pushed back in the seat and pushed past that $50k truck being driven by a chromosexual with all the shiny parts in your $2,500 rustbucket, to all of the people that bought diapers this week and groceries next week, take care of business but find a little work on the side to buy the parts that do make your truck go fast and not the parts that look good.

Thank you for choosing us for your parts! We have no fancy logo, no fancy marketing scheme, no budget to speak of, but thank YOU for allowing us to serve you. This last few years has been hell on us trying to build a business in this economy, but I count myself lucky to be able to tear up engines, drive fast, pay my tickets, blow stuff up, build it better and meet some really cool folks along the way that are Horsepower junkies as well. I look forward to buying each and every one of you a beer at an event next year. I know you have a choice as to where to buy your parts, thank you for choosing the parts that don't shine on the road....thank you for choosing us!

See you somewhere down the road.

Zach Hamilton

Even though i do not have any of your parts on my truck right now i felt like those bold words were right out of the last 3 years of diesel hot rodding in my life, I bought my truck for 2200$ and it was a total rust bucket! i did my own timing after Cummins would not set it to what i wanted (18* at the time) i racked the barrels on my pump when eveybody said it would blow up, I pulled the plate out when a local cummins guru said it would utterly melt my pistons, and i bought 60# valve springs instead of putting a new stereo deck in my truck!! I look forward to spending money with you in the future. :rockwoot:

Zach- Thanks for doing what you do. Hopefully I'll be sending some business your way in the near future.
Keep up the good work Zach! Thanks for what you do! And very well put!

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Im giving the 188 some serious consideration.
Do I need to change out my sportsman springs also.
thanks ,doug

great post! I really want a cam from zach, just need to pry the wifes claws from the cash....
Good stuff Zach, it was fun back in the TDR days learning new stuff and teaching myself to re-invent the wheel at times, had allot of fun and did allot of R&D. For all you young ones this was back when a set of slightly honed 370 were top dog!

Zach went out of his way one night and come to my shop to talk cams. I'm not special I just happen to live near some of his family. Either which way he went above what anybody else in his kinda position would do. I ended up buying my cam, springs and keepers off of him right there. He knows his stuff, passes the info along with no bull****.

It was pretty cool to have a huge celebrity visit my shop. Lol

Thanks Zach, I can't wait to see how the new setup will run.

You are quite welcome. My father in law and I were itching to get out of the house anyway!

Yes the good ole TDR days. It was the ONLY game in town at the time. Diesels have come a long way for sure. I think that were only getting started though. Based on the cubic inches, head flow and the injector work we are seeing. Things are about to get exciting!