Thank you to all that attended!!

Bye Now

Apr 22, 2006
We would like to thank everyone that made it out to TS X. We know alot of people traveled along way to attend. We try to do our best to put on the best diesel show possible for you guys. It has became a "diesel family reunion" over the years, where we all get together, and that is what it is all about. Friendship, Fun and Diesel trucks!

See you at the next event :Cheer:
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Thank you guys for putting it on, worth the 1700 miles to us!
Thanks for a great weekend to all that work at TS and all volunteers that put on a great show even though it rained you did the best you could! Thanks again!
I've been trying to make it out to TS for the last 5 years but to no avail because of work, etc. This was my first time out and even though the weather was crappy it was a blast and I thought the hosts did a great job. So thanks to you for putting this on again and making the most of it with the weather conditions. I will be coming back for many more years
Even with all the changes in the weather the crew made the best out of every available minute, awesome job thank you for all your hard work setting it up!
Thank you for putting this event on. It's well worth the 7 hour drive for me. I had a great time.
Thanks you guys do such an awesome job with this event & it we are proud to have you & Dennis as the leaders of our diesel culture. Thanks again for all you do for us.
Not only would I like to thank Dennis, Sheila and many others involved, but I'd also like to thank BG Police and the other security forces for keeping most of the idiots under control.
Thank you Dennis and Shelia!!!! Good weekend for sure!!

But I would say the highlight of the weekend was watchin Dennis ROCKET out of that Rhino and bout ripping that idiot out of the Red Ford before the pulls started!!!!! Way to go Dennis!!
Dennis, Sheila and all the TS staff!!

Holy Cow you pulled off a great weekend event! The weather gods did their best but it just wasn't good enough!! The rain, more rain then they got to race. Saturday started bright and sunny and then the rain and more rain! What a great sled pull the fans got to watch!! It was a fun weekend! We got to meet a lot of new faces and made new friends as well as visit with a lot of old and far away friends!

Most will never know the time and expense involved with an event of this caliper!! Well done!! Hats off to you!! PPL Event - awesome!!! Where do you get all these great ideas???? Thank you again for a wonderful weekend!!

Haisley Machine
would like to thank you guys. Been every year in will be back as long as it going on. :clap:
Thank you Dennis and Shelia!!!! Good weekend for sure!!

But I would say the highlight of the weekend was watchin Dennis ROCKET out of that Rhino and bout ripping that idiot out of the Red Ford before the pulls started!!!!! Way to go Dennis!!

Not only would I like to thank Dennis, Sheila and many others involved, but I'd also like to thank BG Police and the other security forces for keeping most of the idiots under control.

Agreed. Great time through the weather. Maybe the tickets they handed out will make them think twice about attending next year. I seen some dumb **** in BG after the races.