Thank you to all that attended!!

I know exactly what it takes to run a show near that size. Every show has its technical difficulties and challenges that require changing to plan B, C, D..., but as a promoter your goal is to make this as transparent as possible.

Dennis, Shela, and the TS Crew flat made it happen.

The rain both days posed challenges that would have had me cross eyed. Even Dennis "high-strung" Perry managed to roll with the flow and seemed relaxed about it as he and Shela managed their crew to accommodate the weather and move the event along, making the most of the weather they were dealt. Condensing the action made for non-stop excitement and any down time with regard to weather was more time to catch up with my diesel family.

I had an absolute blast. My wife and 21mo daughter really enjoyed the show. Had it not been so chilly on Saturday, my daughter was quite content to watch the tractors prep the track and enjoyed the Show n' Shine and Dyno. She would have stuck it out if I had been better prepared with warmer clothes and let her. LOL

My only regret is missing a good many friends I had intentions of catching up with. As the event grows along with our circle of friends, this becomes harder and harder to do in a weekend. I'm glad to see those of you who I was able, and look forward to this "diesel reunion" next year.

Thanks again Dennis, Shela, and the entire hard-working TS crew; for your time, energy, hospitality, effort, and investment in this event. My family and I had an awesome time!
It was good times, and I can't believe the window in the weather on Friday for all that good racing.

Still got all the pulling in too, even with the drizzle coming down most of the day.

Thanks for a hell of an event each year.
Thanks a million guys!! Great time for the entire family as always! Cant wait for next year!
Thanks for a great time. I just got home today (monday) about 2 hours ago. This was my 3rd year pulling the TS pull, will be back next year.
Thank you Dennis and Shelia!!!! Good weekend for sure!!

But I would say the highlight of the weekend was watchin Dennis ROCKET out of that Rhino and bout ripping that idiot out of the Red Ford before the pulls started!!!!! Way to go Dennis!!

Me 3!! :bow: Dennis that was awesome! :clap:

Awesome Event. I am so glad I got to attend and see all the faces I unfortunately see only a few times a year. Although the weather tried her best, i fully believe you guys put on a top notch event. There will be those that complain no doubt, but the reality is you guys ran an event like it was supposed to be run, and in weather that is supposed to keep you from it. My hats off to the TS crew. Glad I got to be a part of it.

What happened with DeRanged? Looked like it shut itself off before the end of 1/4 run???
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What happened with DeRanged? Looked like it shut itself off before the end of 1/4 run???

It actually did pretty well. Just had some minor issues (hose/water leaks). And the one full or close to full pass it made didn't get a time. :bang But it's good to go for the next round. :D

I just want to say thanks for a great event we had a blast as usual. Dennis and Sheila you guys are awesome thank u for your hard work and dedication to this sport and to all the competitors involved events like this make it all worth the hard work and late nights.
Thank you TS for putting on a class act show! It was alot of fun we will be back next year!