The new girl

this threads gotten interesting lol but welcome to the forum danni
why would you buy something you can't afford to fix..... when still in school....... not sayin, just sayin....
I suppose it seems slightly irresponsible on the surface, but I can totally relate to it. When I was in college I drag raced in a very competitive class, running all up and down the West coast. I had taken a year off to save up money for college, and had a really good year of racing. Instead of adding the racing winnings to my earnings (into my college fund) I decided to spend it on a faster race car chassis, and keep working through college. Racing the faster class I broke even over several years, and had some of the most enjoyable times in my life (and met many life-long friends). My parents hated it, but since they weren't paying for college, I figured I could call my own shots. When I graduated (in the middle of a recession), the only 3 job offers I had were all tied to contacts I made in racing.

Yeah I hear that's how college is :( . Glad I never went. I'd have been out about 2yrs and have no money :badidea:.

That may work in some parts of the country, but around here you'd better have a degree if you want to ever be able to afford the nice stuff. I have zero regrets about college, and I went for 10 years (dropped out with one year to go for my PhD). I worked during the entire time though, so I was still making money, experience and contacts (just not sleeping much).

The only reason I can't afford nice stuff after all that was the fact that I married a money-grubbing tramp who took me to the cleaners (but I got custody of my daughter, the most important part).

Once I get out I'll will be able to have a great job and make dang good money.

Do they have dentist offices in sled pullin country?

Or is there really no need for them?

No or few teeth no need for a dentist.:hehe:

LMAO!!! I like this girl!
I suppose it seems slightly irresponsible on the surface, but I can totally relate to it. When I was in college I drag raced in a very competitive class, running all up and down the West coast. I had taken a year off to save up money for college, and had a really good year of racing. Instead of adding the racing winnings to my earnings (into my college fund) I decided to spend it on a faster race car chassis, and keep working through college. Racing the faster class I broke even over several years, and had some of the most enjoyable times in my life (and met many life-long friends). My parents hated it, but since they weren't paying for college, I figured I could call my own shots. When I graduated (in the middle of a recession), the only 3 job offers I had were all tied to contacts I made in racing.

That may work in some parts of the country, but around here you'd better have a degree if you want to ever be able to afford the nice stuff. I have zero regrets about college, and I went for 10 years (dropped out with one year to go for my PhD). I worked during the entire time though, so I was still making money, experience and contacts (just not sleeping much).

The only reason I can't afford nice stuff after all that was the fact that I married a money-grubbing tramp who took me to the cleaners (but I got custody of my daughter, the most important part).

LMAO!!! I like this girl!

sounds like you had a fun college life.....mine is kinda boring besides my truck but i pretty much go to class and then come home and do homework i know it will be worth it in the end cuz i will get a really good pay check so anyone out there that is deciding on going GO you are not waisting your time. it is worth everything you put into it. even though i am only in my second term i already can see that it is worth it. Good job with sticking to it you may not have gotten to the end but you made it farther then most of us would have.
I knew if i didn't get that truck now that the price of it will just go back up cuz thats how the country works we have these stupid recession that last maybe a year or two and everything goes back up so why not do it now and start by doing one or two things right in college thats how i looked at it. i know my parents told me the same that it was stupid but i didn't see one reason not to do it so if there is a good deal out there don't let it go by you will never know if you will get another chance!
Yes college was worth it... the education and the PARTIES!!!! Have a business degree and I'm a firefighter lol. BUT looks good on a resume. :rockwoot:
Hey I got one of them too

Welcome to Comp D, Even though you do own a dodge, It is ok cuz it has twins! And you even use the good oil

Oh Yeah Your on the wrong coast for serious pulling lol

Danni, Welcome to Comp D. Don't let the boys scare you away, they're MOSTLY harmless. You'll find out soon enough who's not.

Congratulations on making it past page 6 and not posting semi naked slutty photos' of yourself. Despite what you might see around here, we really are a family oriented forum and there are a lot of great guys on here.

Don't be scared to hook to a sled, it's a total adrenaline rush and you'll love it. There's even a surge of energy when you do blow a drive shaft lmao. The adrenaline kinda dies down though when you have to write the check for the parts...

And racing is a blast too. I'm actually torn as to which one I like better.
Enjoy your stay on Comp D.
