Timmy Haas Memorial Truck and Tractor Pulls

I heard of people not getting it at all last year. If its donated back to the charity thats fine, but let them know they won it and atleast give them the option...
I was told they were paying a percentage of the entry fee. If you remember, there was no entry fee, only an admission fee to get in. No entry fee, no payout.
I didn't realize that so many peole are hard up for cash that they have to complain on the internet that the didn't get their money from a charity event. I placed 2nd and could care less if I got money at all:st:
I didn't realize that so many peole are hard up for cash that they have to complain on the internet that the didn't get their money from a charity event. I placed 2nd and could care less if I got money at all:st:

That is because you have ample amounts of it..
I think its the point of it that has people in an uproar. Like myself for example, I did not get charged the registration fee when I signed up because I was late and in a hurry and the girl must have forgoten. I realized it before our class pulled and went back to resistration and payed the money. The girl was embarrassed and thanked me for being honnest, but now I know that noone got paid it kinda chaps my ass to know I was honnest and they were not. No I do not NEED the money and they may still come through, but shady none the less. Think about the sponsors who put up money to make this event a go. Ill bet they would be a little less giving if they thought it may be a fraud. :poke:
There was not a registration fee. I was told that your entry was free. I handed them $10.00 and they gave it back to me and said they were not charging. The only money they were collecting was if you entered more than one class and admission.
There was not a registration fee. I was told that your entry was free. I handed them $10.00 and they gave it back to me and said they were not charging. The only money they were collecting was if you entered more than one class and admission.

Looks like you've been had Casey! :hehe::kick: