Tint %'s

Sep 10, 2007
Hey everyone I am going to put some tint on my truck either today or tommorrow and I was wondering what is darker 2 layers of 20% or 1 layer of 2.5-5%? I want my back window almost to the point that you can't see through it period. I bought a roll of 2.5% tint but it doesn't look as dark as the other brand of 5% that the store had, could that be my mind playing tricks on me or ...?

Also for install it says use a sprayer with soapy water, what kind of soap is best and how much of a ratio to water should I use? Anyway thanks ya'll!
I had 5% on my last truck and would never go that dark again. In the night you could not see at all.(This was on all the windows)Plus I always got pulled over because around here anything darker than 30% is illegal, and most other states are worse than that. I have 20% right now all around and thats perferct. Why dont you want to be able to see out of your back window. And just use alittle dish soap.
I have 15% on all of mine and loe it, I don't think I would go any darker with mine. I also have the entire front windsheild tinted with 50% it makes a world of difference in the day and at night it is great...No more glare from headlights.

As far as the mixture, sorry I don't know I always had someone else tint the windows for me.
if you are trying to match tints..and you want it dark ( I am not recommending you do dark tint you will regret it)

if you have factory tinted windows..I would do 20% over the factory tint on the rear and then do 5% on the front windows..it matches well.

I said all this and have no idea the configuration of you vehicle..

like phil said..I have 20% on my front windows and the factory 20% on the rears and 35% on the entire windshield.
On a normal sunny day from a cars view behind me I want almost nothing to be able to be seen through the rear window, I don't have a specific reason other than I want to make it easier to keep the truck cool with the A/C, keep the heat on the inside down after being in a parking lot all day and privacy.

The truck has tint on it already but it is kind of faded somewhere between 20% and 35% on the rear 3 windows and its got 35% on the front that is faded a little too.
It is definitely nice during the day to have dark tint. But at night it SUCKS! legal up here is 35% on the front windows and whatever you want anywhere else..
5% on all 4 doors, double 5% on the back window. I love it, if you need to back up you do have to roll the window down at night.
SINNER said:
if you need to back up you do have to roll the window down at night.

thats the worst part about dark manual windows. I know with 10% on the sides and back, nothing on the front, you couldnt see anyone in my old pick up.
fi you gonna do it, do it bigg!! (or dark in this case)

i am running tripple layer 5% each. damn it's so dark, i cannot see SH!T out my windows even during the day!! my windhsield is same way 13" down.
maybe I am just getting old..(25) but I just don't understand getting tint so dark you cant see out..I mean really whats the point? It doesn't sound very safe..but i guess neither does a fully tinted windshield (35%) is either..but I can still see perfectly..it does not affect night driving or daytime driving..just helps with glare..keeps the inside of my truck cooler and it helps prevent fading ton the interior parts.
Ive got 5% on my 01 and 20% on my 06,



either way youll like it! I hate riding in vehicles without tint! eventhough Michigan its illegal to run with it on the side of front windows of your vehicle...

5% all the way around and 35% on the whole winshield is perfect(in my opinion) it keeps the truck nice and cool too!!
Ive got 5% on all my rear windows, 20% on the fronts, and an 8" brow on the windshield. Its perfect IMO. Blocks out headlight glare from the rear at night. Once I replace the windshield, Im gonna just put 35% on the whole thing.

Hello all,In regards to tinting questions I will offer my advice as I am a retired tinter of 8 years and have run my fathers auto glass shop for 5 years so Im hoping my experiance helps you. First off I dont recomend doing this yourself as it is much harder to do than you would think,unless you dont care what the finished product looks like and you have tons of patience and like dirt and bubbles:badidea: . I would recomend a shop that uses Llumar film because it is the best in the industry as far as quality and uv blocking performance.The film that is available in the stores is crap and will be purple and bubbling in no time. I dont recomend doing several layers either as it will cause the first layer to distort. If you want it dark then use 5%. Remember that the film absorbs heat and will still increase the temp inside the vehicle unless you have a uv reflecting film installed so darker doesnt allways mean cooler. Ive had a few customers back into things after applying 5% over factory tint also. If you must do it yourself then I would first remove the old film with a steamer or amonia, then go over the glass with a razor blade to make sure all residue is removed. Mix up 1 to 2 table spoons of BABY SHAMPOO!to 1 quart of water, I will use about 2 gallons pr vehicle. Any other soaps will degrade the adhesive.dont be afraid to soak the glass down top to bottom,to rinse all contams off. It wont hurt your interior. Once you have the film trimmed and the glass cleaned and wet with soapy water you can then apply the film, make sure you spray down the film with the soapy water also. I hope this helps and if anybody has any tint or autoglass related questions I would more than happy to help out my fellow diesel freaks, and yes there are different qualities of windshields out there and some of the glass is complete garbage SAFELITE is one, and there are wrong/unsafe ways to instal a windshield. Must use URETHANE and urethane only no buetle ribbon unless you want to die in an accident and want leaks in your truck. Anyways good luck and pm me if you have any questions. Brian @ A PLUS AUTOGLASS AND TINTING. BTW if you were wondering I have 15% all around on my truck with an 8in brow and 75% uv film on my w/s and you cant see in but I can see you.
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you said multiple layers will cause problems.
well i had all mine done professionally same way on all my trucks.
only problem i ever had was neer being able to see out of the windows.
This car got behind me yesterday, as I looked in the rear view I couldn't see in the car at all. When I turned off I knew why. He had at least 5% all the way around....front windsheild included.
I figure that if I do it myself and it turns out super crappy then I can just go to a shop and get it done and will only be out $45 and a little bit of time lol.

I am going to start on the front driver's side and passenger side windows, my cousin (who is a tinter) told me to put a trash bag on the inside of the window and use a hairdryer or two and heat it up from the outside, then I could scrape the tint off easily. Then I was just going to use some window cleaner with amonia (or just amonia if I can find it in my kitchen) to eat the old adhesive away and then clean a couple times with a a microfiber pad and soap/water mixture.

Does that sound like a working plan?
My plan as of now is to do 2.5% on the front two, 5% + the stuff thats already there on the back two and 2.5% + the stuff thats already there on the rear window. Then maybe a brow to the AS1 line with 2.5% or 5%, I'm not sure about that since my windshield is cracked I might just not do it until I get a new one.
You can use the trash bag trick by spaying amonia on the film on the inside then cover it with the bag. Then warm up the outside of the glass not letting the amonia evaporate...might have to reapply. Wile the glass is still warm you can then slowly peel the film back and if you did it right then the adhesive will come off with the film. If the adhesive stays put then just use amonia and a razor blade.If you have acces to a steamer for clothes or a small one for cleaning you can heat the film with it and slowly pull it back and the adhesive will come with it. Be carefull with the scub pad cuz they can scatch the glass if you use the wrong one.Oh and the amonia fumes are real fun to breathe...not! Good luck and don't to frustrated.
question here for you's with 35% tint on your windshields, how dark is it at night? Also do any of you's have picks of it? I'm looking to do it so you deffinently can't see into my truck, but don't know how it'd be.