Tint %'s

mine is fine at night..I did my wifes edge too..here are a couple of pics of my truck and her edge..



my truck:
i really wouldnt go 2.5% ; i have a friend who had his old truck w/ tripple limo (2.5 + another layer of 5%) and not only was it hard to see out of - contrary to what you might think: it got HOT since once the heat got in it couldnt get out.

i think personally the max id recommend doing is 5%
We have a tint shop here as we'll! Llumar is the ONLY way to go, and I agree, It should be professional! For the most part we don't carry anything under 15% for the take offs, As soon as you put 5% on they'll want it lighter!

2.5% advance tint looks horrible, almost like its thick or something. I've always thought it looked shotty!

I would Go 5% on the back at the darkest!
My Windshield is tinted at 35% with a strip and I have no complaints about not being dark enough! Its a little bit of a pain if the sides are dark at night, but if there at 35% your in good shape!

All my truck pictures on my website are

5% over factory on the Rear , 35% on the front doors and windshield and 5% strip on the windshield!
I've got 5% on my sides and rear with a 5% strip on the windshield. How would 35% tint across the windshield be with my other tint, to dark? I like the look of abrannons and mysterynycs windshields.
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Its going to be pretty dark but it'll be okay! Make Sure you give it a few days to dry good, It can be rough driving when its still wet (3 days)
i'm tellin ya,
just do 3 layers of 5% all the way around, even windshield.
then no one can see in or out.
i love my truck tint :)
If the weather clears up any in the next few days I am going to try it out. I went and bought two seperate spray bottles one for amonia and one for baby shampoo/water mix, exacto-knife and I have some micro-fiber pads and straight scraper things. Anything else I need?

I am pretty good at putting on stickers and stuff so I figure with just lots of patience I can do it and have it turn out ok, like I said if I do it and it turns out bad I'll just go get it done. This can be my learning experience for a whopping $20.

Plus if I do it and its A-ok I can put new tint on my backup truck since it's is all bubbled up...
Cut it on the outside, Use a big peice of glass, (table top or somthing) to trim up the edges you cant make on the truck, Make sure you use some water and baby soap mix so the tint will slide, Leave the clear layer partially on until you stick it, Stick the top edge and roll the window up and work the bottom. Use a heat gun to work it the rest of the way!

Its not as easy as it sounds, I cant do it worth a dern!

mysterync said:
Cut it on the outside, Use a big peice of glass, (table top or somthing) to trim up the edges you cant make on the truck, Make sure you use some water and baby soap mix so the tint will slide, Leave the clear layer partially on until you stick it, Stick the top edge and roll the window up and work the bottom. Use a heat gun to work it the rest of the way!

Its not as easy as it sounds, I cant do it worth a dern!
Close enough. Good luck! like to hear how it went.
B.A.Ram said:
Isn't it illegal to have full tint on the front windshield?

yeah, but so is the 5% I already have on the rest of the windows.
it's only illegal til you get caught, and they pull your CDL for too many demerits. haha, speaking from experience.

i don't care. all my windows are tripple layer 5%
Isn't it illegal to have full tint on the front windshield?

For all of you that have their front windshields tinted be sure if you get an accident to hide it from the police and especially the insurance company. I say this from owning a body shop when an inspector comes to give an estimate and they see tinted front windshields say goodbye to that lovely insurance you pay for. Even if it wasn't your fault! (Bastards!) Just some food for thought. Double layer 5% keeps daylight out at noon in florida
Thats why we have great friends at body shops such as you at body shops that wont say anything when asked to go jerk the tint off :)

I left mine on a wrecked truck and they didnt say anything though!
I will let everyone know how it turns out when I get it done, I would have done it within the last two days but my truck is immobile outside in the driveway and it has been raining non-stop :(. I geuss after I get my new fuel line I can take it to my buddies house and do it in his shop, but that won't be for atleast another few days, probably saturday :(.

As of now I am going to put 2.5% on the front two and then just add 5% to the back three.
I was watching Unique Whips last night and they tinted the outside and the inside of the window. Is that common practice? I want my back window darker but it seems the advice is to not double tint it So I wonder if I can tint the outside of my back window? Or just rip the back off and get it done darker.
The tint on the exterior wouldnt last long at all! And would probably not look the best IMO! I would strip the back and go darker!
mysterync said:
The tint on the exterior wouldnt last long at all! And would probably not look the best IMO! I would strip the back and go darker!

I am beginning to think the place that done it didn't put 15% on the back cause my side windows look alot darker than the back. I think me and a buddy could do it ourselves since it just one big window. Where is a good place to buy "good" tint? online maybe?