Triples via GTX4294R's

Isthis an auto or a standard truck? My duramax spooled the gtx 45 at around 2200rpm with the 1.28a/r and an auto tranny.
Auto till I explode it again, all ultimate and big shaft guts this time. Upped the stall to 2600-ish. 5.9 though. How much boosht at 2200?

(A side note on that NADP can go Phuck them selves for three no returned calls)

The guys at Ultimate are absolutely stand up.
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Auto till I explode it again, all ultimate and big shaft guts this time. Upped the stall to 2600-ish. 5.9 though. How much boosht at 2200?

(On a side not on that NADP can go Phuck them selves for three no returned calls)

The guys at Ultimate are absolutely stand up.

Backpressure.......that is all LOL

I've been looking at big shaft's for my tranny (horrible horrible quote opportunity). Is there actually a big intermediate? I can find the input and output easily but am coming up short on intermediate solutions.
Right it's still stock size, Just hoping Opie's can hang on to more.....IMO a fat input still isn't that fat....LOL Guess your limited to what you can stuff through the stator support.
10-12psi and then light right to 52psi instantly. That charger was like a light switch! You will be very happy with Jose! He knows his **** man. Never steered me wrong, he always has time to talk sale or no sale!
Would have used them myself for sure, but a fabricator is putting the plumbing together and not sure what distributor he got the chargers through. We had an idea that someone was trying the 45's in triples but no details of course should have known it was out of that corner.

You were into it pretty good at 2200 already. Good stuff.
10-12psi and then light right to 52psi instantly. That charger was like a light switch! You will be very happy with Jose! He knows his **** man. Never steered me wrong, he always has time to talk sale or no sale!

Was this done on a D Max?
I was looking at a combination of:

2 - GT4718R 84.80 / 118.00

1 - GTX4508R 79.80 / 108.00

Housing options undecided as of now
I would be swapping that for 2 4508s feeding the 4718. You need to be able to move a lot of exhaust through that secondaries turbine. Look at what the tractor pullers are doing with 3 charger compound setups there is always a larger compressor and turbine on the secondary charger.
Ultimate rocks....Dave w/ Opies parts has been the onlything to last in my truck. It took me 100k to break anything. Just 5x longer than the purple junk I had in and out the first 100k.