TS 2010 Quotes/Memories Thread


Gluten Free
Jul 2, 2006
So I know we all had some funny moments/memories while in Kentucky, lets hear what you have.

Overheard at Wahbah's. "Brady (from industrial) you smell good"
"you gonna let a girl beat you"
"I'll outdrink any of you upright walking sob's"
Timbo over the mic
"This is Wahbah's we party right, the queer bar is down the road"

I was driving a Toyota Gaytrix (matrix) rental and slipped through one of the holes in the fence to skip the traffic leaving the pulls.
2 of us loading our buds broken puller by literally pulling on a chain by hand. we earned our beer that night
we were talkin to a local at "betty's" saturday night after the pull and his exact quote was "you guys gotta come back for the Harley drags at Beech Bend. It's so much fun, at least like 20 people die every year. It's a wicked good time!" lol. I laughed my A$$ off and decided I probably won't make it to the Harley drags.

Seriously though we had a blast and can't wait for next year. When we got in the truck to come home we all looked at each other and said "what happens in kentucky needs to stay in kentucky"
We were sitting at the Best Western chilling out and talking on Thursday night and a security gaurd kept on and kept on walking around. At one point he came walking out of the darkness from the opposite direction of the hotel. It was kind of funny because it was just a hotel security guy. We thought it was a cop at first, but ended up being a security guy just being creepy.
my buddy "She is about as worthless as a poop flavored popsicle"

me "Well a poop flavored can be used to get the taste of dick out of your mouth"
Hey Mikee...... He likes it!!!!! Mikee pawr.......

oh yeah and the guy on saturday night in the back of the OBS powerstoke, did anyone else see this??

vids to come
Damit Bobby I wish I could remember some. To the fellows that'd looked at each other and said what happens in ky stays in ky. Except crabs that chit'll come back with ya.
O I did tell pangala I would piss In a bucket so she could keep her feet warm. Man was she hammered. Because there was no spa close to dennys waiting area. And have phill blow throw straws to make bubbles. For the spa effect. I had a wicked awsome time.
driver chillaxin with his foot out the window going down the highway


innovative way of getting ice into our cooler, also look at that good looking guy in the chapter prez shirt


being too lazy to get off the bleachers for a beer


check out the plate


after drinking nearly a fifth of tequila :)
my buddy "She is about as worthless as a poop flavored popsicle"

me "Well a poop flavored can be used to get the taste of dick out of your mouth"

Well, I was talking about MY girlfriend, and you made a point that she could get the flavor of dick outta your mouth... fag. :hehe:
driver chillaxin with his foot out the window going down the highway

Never seen a guy do that... Seen girls in skirts do it...
Well, I was talking about MY girlfriend, and you made a point that she could get the flavor of dick outta your mouth... fag. :hehe:
No, he made the point that YOU could use her to get it out of YOUR mouth...
"hey your the guy that killed Ernie" :( FML :hehe:


that drunk bish smashed into our trailer lookin for ernie. came back an hour later to the florida boys next to us flippin out bc ernie wasnt there.

who the phuck is ernie?
I can't even begin to explain them all. I think the most fun I had was riding in the rental car with Travis G and Jimmy Smith. That car aint right anymore. LOL

That and standing at the end of the pull track where the media was taking pictures(with their $4000 cameras) and taking pictures with my camera phone. LOL
ERNIE KILLER!!! I started that one at Wah Bahs

Ma'am you've got the pertiest turd cutter I believe I've seen all night, no tinkerbell, I wasn't talking about you.

Have we been a bother to you? No, well we need to try harder I guess.

(at a wendy's drive thru with Garrett) I'd like a large number one, with a dr pepper, large fry, a shot of jager. "I'm sorry we don't have jagermeister" Want a shot then? "That'd be nice"

(at same drive thru) "Yea I'd like a double bacon and bleu with a slice of american cheese too" 'We can't make that' "Well they make it all the time for me in Wisconsin, I'd like to talk to your manager" 'I am the manager' "Well if you're gonna be a jew about it I'll just take two bacon and bleus"

(at a guy with a cowbell hanging from his bumper) What is that for, to call your girlfriends in from the field?

(to the girl at the sonic that closed at 11 on friday) Do you have any idea that you just lost a lot of money, this is the biggest diesel truck event ever, and you're closed.

The best part was when I got the jelly packet thrown at me from across the restaurant when she saw us doing it...
Did you just spit on the window of our bathrooms? -manager at Sonic

Yeah, well you shouldnt have locked the bathrooms this early -Shortbusdriver

You are forever banned from this Sonic -manager

Thats alright, were leaving and Im from wisconsin- Shortbusdriver

haha, I atleast got MY food before hand