TTB for pulling


Dec 1, 2007
Has anyone used TTB with success. I guess mine has the D44 since it is an 84, I thought it was the D50 so thats disappointing. Remember I wont be running to much power (IDI)
why would you try to pull an 84 ford what are you going to prove other than you dont mind being embarassed
Dude whats your deal? You get on here, have 9 posts and thinkyou can just start bashing people? Who gives a chit what he pulls? Its a sport you should be supporting not bashing what he has to pull. Why dont you just keep your mouth shut until you find something helpful or relavent to the topic.

Good luck Hyde. Dont listen to this guy. He does nothing but run his mouth on here:blahblah1:
I love how people run their mouth on here and yet have no response when confronted.
I guess he takes his rookie title to heart. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to my lost cause however.
Sorry to jump in your thread. People like him just get me going. Who is he to put bash your truck? Maybe it makes him sleep better at night to belittle others.

Anyway, sorry I dont have any helpful info for ya. Only ford I ever had was my dads 97. There is a guy where im from who pulls an 86 ford. He doesnt win, but does surprisingly well and has a blast at it.

Good luck,
thats what im saying whats the point of a competetive sport if your not going to compete
How is he not competing? Maybe he wont win. Maybe he will. But who are you to decide that? Or to tell him what he can or can not pull?

From the way you talk you must be some experienced expert and some big shot puller huh?
22 years of experience actually wouldnt say im a big shot but i do spend alot more time under the hood than on the internet
Back on topic so how would TTB Hold up to a modded engine

1. His soon to be modded IDI
2. a mildly built 400-500hp 2nd gen 12v
Good for you. So that gives you the right to bash this guy for pulling what he's got? You would think you of all people with all your experience would support people wanting to pull. Who cares what it is. You should be trying to help it grow, not turn people away. And if your trying to say that i spend more time on here than under a hood your very mistaken.
would you put money in the stock market if you knew you were going to lose it...... no you wouldnt so what im saying is sell the ford and buy a dodge that will honestly be a lot more fun and alot cheaper
Okay buddy, you see that red x in the top right corner, go click it and get back under the hood. Obviously you've spent to much time under there already as you have no people skills or common courtesy. If you couldn't tell, you're thoughts and opinions are no longer wanted or needed.

As far as the TTB I'm not sure I imagine it would be like a dmax with ifs. Gotta figure some way to stiffen it from unloading. I don't really know much about the ttb though.
everybody that is telling this guy its a good idea has a dodge but if its such a good idea why dont any of you try it........... because its not a good idea. why does that upset so many of you
because you dont beed to be an ass about it. Whats wrong with pulling his ford? Tell ya what bud, you get me a ford just like his and ill pull it anywhere you want me to. You just need to keep your comments to yourself. Nothing i have seen you post on any topic has been helpful or positive
toward smokingoat. I don't care, it's somebody trying to have a good time with what he's got. I've got a truck that does a pegleg burnout...I don't have the money for a locker yet. So I make do with what I have. He has an IDI Ford, he likes to sled pull so he makes do with what he has. You make do with what you have and we'll all be happy.
ok so your mad because i said your an idiot for removing your plate............ dyno it without a plate then put a flat plate in and see what happens you'll be very surprised and will probably think that my input is helpful maybe not positive but true
SmokingGoat'04: Yeah man Just because He wants to have fun Pulling doesn't mean that He needs to go out and buy what everyone tells him to...(you work for GALE BANKS dont you???) Just keep your comments to your self and shut it. Pulling is fun no matter what unless you're so insecure that you always have to be at the top and be better then others.

As for the TTB I got to thinking and I think you will have a problem with the piviot point reaming itself loose I mean it will hold for a while but you'll need to brace it at some point.
thats the only point im trying to make dana 60=no problems whats so bad about that