tuning for a BIG turbo


Hates hippies
May 7, 2007
So I'm swapping my 66/71/13ss for a 72/74/.90 with a t4 housing. Don't ask me why, I want to and I'm going to. The deal is done. What I'm asking here is what is the best way to tune my combination to get the best possible results from this turbo. My combination is as follows:

DPE benched 215 pump at 600cc
.020 dv's
100 plate at half forward (roughly 450cc, can go to 500cc with plate and 600 without)
modded/tuned afc (half forward, full travel is roughly 25psi)
24* timing
4k gsk
7x.012 at 250bar
181/210 bigstick
hamilton springs/pushrods
dtt with 1800 stall
3.54 gears
airdog 165 at 30psi

While the truck gets driven 700 miles a week currently it's not going to be a daily driver for much longer so that's why I'm going so big. What I'm asking is what would yall do to my setup in order to achieve the best possible results from something this large? How would yall dial in the afc? Timing? Maybe a 5k kit? A higher stall converter would be nice but is out of the budget for now.

Yes I'm crazy and probably stupid for doing this but that's how I've lived my life so far and it's worked out well.
Get rid of the fuel plate given that charger is capable of some big power.

You'll probably end up with a governor spring in the afc with a bit of tension to keep preboost fuel down (tension being the starwheel not fully backed into the housing). You're going to have to play with it and find out what works best for you via driving it.

With an 1800 stall to get that charger lit plan on some manual shifting in your future of the auto. No big deal but a comprimise none the less. Hope you enjoy it!
It will take some tinkering but you will get it down. Since I got used to mine I love it. They are actually pretty fun.
I hope so. I love the hit of a single. I'd do twins but everyone I know with them has nothing but headaches with em.
You'll want 5k springs for sure. I've got a GT4202R on my 24v for now, 1.01 T6 wastegated housing. It starts to sing around 2k and and by 2500 is alive and well. I haven't fiddled with the AFC much, I just don't punch it until I hear the turbo coming up. I hope yours has more kick than mine. It doesn't seem to pull as well as the twins it was the primary in. But I'm guessing 17 degrees timing and the plate full back doesn't help.
With my 1800 stall converter I can get mine to 10 psi by 1900 rpm if I roll into it kind of easy. I have a 4k gsk cut 181's and 21* timing. I just traded those DB's for a set of DDP comp DV's though so I don't know how much that will change. I am actually enjoying daily driving the 131's I have in now except for the nasty lope when it is cold. I didn't set my AFC up it was already done so I can't help much there but it is tweaked and ff.
Leave the plate...a true 600cc's will still smoke like crazy with that charger.

Start where you are, and adjust from there....have fun!
Nope it's been an auto forever. Sometimes I wish it wasn't lol.
Someone already said it, but some higher RPMs will be required.
Leave the plate...a true 600cc's will still smoke like crazy with that charger.

Start where you are, and adjust from there....have fun!

I agree If you have 600cc's leave the plate , 5k springs , a gov spring in the afc and even might want a valet switch .
I agree If you have 600cc's leave the plate , 5k springs , a gov spring in the afc and even might want a valet switch .

Get the AFC tuned right and you don't need the valet...unless other morons drive the truck, valets usually aren't needed!

All I know is your truck should be well north of 700+hp and if your gonna run a 70+mm charger u should be over 800 IMHO.


I just had to say it. LOL

AFC tuning will definitely be needed, more rpm was already mentioned, don't be surprised if you find 24* a little too much timing.
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