Twins upgrade questions.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Ive been running bd's r850 twins for a few years now.. Its time for an upgrade.. Ive called stainless last week and they want over 2g to upgrade both turbos... Im just looking for more options... Looking for more opinions... Thanks fellas.
why upgrade both? the 64 is pretty good size. could you not just throw in an s480 in place of the 475? or even the BW s483? that would be the easiest route. If you have the big s400 turbine wheel and housing you could easily have a turbo shop upgrade the compressor side for you. probably less than $500. Call Tom at turbo resource, he does this kind of stuff for me all the time.
why upgrade both? the 64 is pretty good size. could you not just throw in an s480 in place of the 475? or even the BW s483? that would be the easiest route. If you have the big s400 turbine wheel and housing you could easily have a turbo shop upgrade the compressor side for you. probably less than $500. Call Tom at turbo resource, he does this kind of stuff for me all the time.

Thanks, this is the info im looking for.
I too agree, keep the 64 as-is, you only need to upgrade the atmosphere turbo.