udc pro version

Well with the ****tstorm Brian seems to have caused himself, it seems we are in need of a new rep from smarty over here on comp d. Brian may be good enough for the smoke switch forum, but not up to the challenge comp d brings. Few good tips on your way out, don't piss in the wind, check for paper before you sit down, don't shat where you eat...... well the last one should be obvious considering the stunt you pulled, did you really think you could get away with it? no one would figure out what you did? pfffft. Anyhow, this is an official request for a new guy as a smarty resource, someone that knows wtf they are talking about, and can speak freely, We don Not need another Douche on a leash.
I would like the addition of an outside temp interface, 95 and humid as schwetty balls does not equate to spoolable air.
It seems like their to worried about selling injectors anymore, more than having the programming to run them cleanly.
Glad I learned how to use efi to write my tunes, then flash them into farty udc. I hear fleece has something in the works for us too...
I use efi, the smoothing and calcs, then copy and paste to excell. Once in excell just copy the data, not the axis values, then paste the data as paste other , or something like that, under the options check transpose, and walla , ready to copy into the data section of the udc pasted table. Works great and makes tuning a snap.
I use efi, the smoothing and calcs, then copy and paste to excell. Once in excell just copy the data, not the axis values, then paste the data as paste other , or something like that, under the options check transpose, and walla , ready to copy into the data section of the udc pasted table. Works great and makes tuning a snap.

I swear I need to get more computer literate! I couldn't begin to do that on my own. Lol.

So you basically end up with a complete 100% efi tune or does the smarty limit some of the calibration adjustments?

Sent from my XT1080
You only get the main timing,rail, and duration tables. Just makes it was easier to write the maps and use the timing calc. The rp needs to be converted using the excell timing calc sheet from psi to mpa, then u cal bring the rp data into and out of efi.
It would be great to be able to have the capability to load more than one UDC tune onto the S06. I wouldn't care if they displaced a couple of the canned Smarty tunes if firmware memory was the issue.
^^^^ thats all we get Brian, any insight on the pro version, surely marco and the boys have something more to so than watch that link.