Unhappy With Event

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I drove over 1,000 miles and spent over $1,000 dollars on the trip to compete in the show and shine at Franklin. I woke up to leave from my hotel and it was raining. I waited for the rain to slow and washed my truck then headed down to the event. I finally got to the gate at 2:45 to pay and enter the show and shine. Then I was denied access to the event? I even wanted to pay just to be in the show and shine then was denied.

Not what he posted.
I gotta agree with towmaster.. He should have at least been able to park with them if he wanted to pay the entry fee. Why couldn't the judging been a little later if not a dam thing happened til after 6:30? Seemed like a lot of time wasted and most people ended up leaving as soon as superstock liter class was over.. The pulls definitely should have started earlier.
We were going to qualify the 2.6 at 11:00 but it was raining. We had advertised to both the spectators and pullers 6:30. We went to three different counties and purchased all the lime we could find to put on the track to help with the drying. The only thing that changed was we let all the 2.6 pull in the show and they did not have to qualify. They all got to run.
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Heres the dialogue of when I came to the track

TS: How can I help you today?
Me: Im gonna do the show and shine and pay for my girl friend
TS: The show and shine is closed already
Me: Oh ok hows that?
TS: The judging is over
Me: Ok well can I just pay full price to park in the show field?
TS : No you can park in field A or B.
Me: My friends are parked there why cant I park in the show field?
TS: Because its already over. You can either park in field A or B or leave.

I go to several events and theres a judged price and a Non judged price. I dont expect to win a plaque I just wanted to do the show and shine. Pretty simple.

All Day means ALL DAY. IOW, come there in the morning around 8:30 and get set up so that people can see your truck ALL DAY. You seriously can't expect to show up at 2:45 park it and say I'm here, you can start. The other contestants seemed not to have an issue understanding the details or getting their trucks there. Honestly I think your complaint shoud read, "I am really bummed because I misunderstood how the show and shie was gonna work and I missed it. " Your complaint is with yourself, not with TS. I am not trying to be a dick, but the show and shine field was there without you, they didn't have a problem.

I just wanted to be entered in the show field. If you take the time to read my entire thread I noted I wanted to pay full price to enter the show field. Regardless of being judged. If a puller showed up late due to a flat tire I doubt he would of been turned away even at 6:30.

If getting there when the show started at 8:30 (like most of the rest of us) was out of the question for you, just how late do you think you should've been allowed to show up since showing up 6 hours later shouldn't have been an issue in your opinion?


Money were its all at. If I wanted to show up at 6:30 and was willing to pay to enter I should of been let in.

guys, i dont think he's mad about not making it in time for the judging, if i read it correctly he just wanted to park with the show n shine guys and didn't care if he was judged or not

correct me if im wrong jason.

but as far as im concerned if you wanna pay full show price just for a good parking spot more power too ya they shouldn't of turned you away however they should of also made it perfectly clear though that you wouldn't be in the judging or in the hat for any awards

Your correct sir!

Not saying i couldn't be wrong but to me it looks like he justed wanted to park with the show n shine guys...

i guess ill let him post and clear it up for me

Thats correct.

Not what he posted.

Not what who posted?
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We were going to qualify the 2.6 at 11:00 but it was raining. We had advertised to both the spectators and pullers 6:30. We went to three different counties and purchased all the lime we could find to put on the track to help with the drying. The only thing that changed was we let all the 2.6 pull in the show and they did not have to qualify. They all got to run.

Good job on the event, while the costs were higher than some liked, your not gonna make everyone happy. Sadly May is just a rainy season!
I gotta agree with towmaster.. He should have at least been able to park with them if he wanted to pay the entry fee. Why couldn't the judging been a little later if not a dam thing happened til after 6:30? Seemed like a lot of time wasted and most people ended up leaving as soon as superstock liter class was over.. The pulls definitely should have started earlier.

Thank you sir and I agree. :Cheer:

We were going to qualify the 2.6 at 11:00 but it was raining. We had advertised to both the spectators and pullers 6:30. We went to three different counties and purchased all the lime we could find to put on the track to help with the drying. The only thing that changed was we let all the 2.6 pull in the show and they did not have to qualify. They all got to run.

Dang.... That must of been alot of lime! :eek:
I see what your saying but this is basically about you had to get your truck dirty. You were ok with it being to late and not being able to compete but not ok with having to park as a normal truck. The only difference between the 2 is getting dirty. So this whole thing is because of some mud on a truck. I understand what your saying but is it really worth the numerous post and to be disappointed in an event over that?? Send Dennis an invoice for the car wash and I bet he would pay for it.
I see what your saying but this is basically about you had to get your truck dirty. You were ok with it being to late and not being able to compete but not ok with having to park as a normal truck. The only difference between the 2 is getting dirty. So this whole thing is because of some mud on a truck. I understand what your saying but is it really worth the numerous post and to be disappointed in an event over that?? Send Dennis an invoice for the car was and I bet he would pay for it.

No thats not at all the case sir. I am upset I spent several hours each night after work last week to get my truck ready for the show. I clay bared it, waxed it, I removed the rear bumper pads and payed to get them repainted, Detailed my trucks interior all to. Then drove 1,000 miles and paid over $1000 to enter the event and was denied access. I wasnt looking for a plaque or award just a few compliments.

Thats the furthest show I go to. To get there and wasnt allowed to do what I came to do I was unhappy about.
Dude, you got an apology from Shela and a compliment about your truck. What more do you expect them to do?
No thats not at all the case sir. I am upset I spent several hours each night after work last week to get my truck ready for the show. I clay bared it, waxed it, I removed the rear bumper pads and payed to get them repainted, Detailed my trucks interior all to. Then drove 1,000 miles and paid over $1000 to enter the event and was denied access. I wasnt looking for a plaque or award just a few compliments.

Thats the furthest show I go to. To get there and wasnt allowed to do what I came to do I was unhappy about.

Shoot me an email of shows you attend. I will gladly put your truck in a booth of AirDogs at a show or 2 if you would like. As long of course as it doesn't have a competitors lift pump on it. areams@pureflowairdog.com
Shoot me an email of shows you attend. I will gladly put your truck in a booth of AirDogs at a show or 2 if you would like. As long of course as it doesn't have a competitors lift pump on it. areams@pureflowairdog.com

Hey thanks for the offer!! I also have a Raptor on my truck.

Dude, you got an apology from Shela. What more do you expect them to do?

People keep attacking me. Im ready for it to die.
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I think you are on the wrong forum to get any sympathy. This is Competition Diesel, where drag racers and sled pullers will not have kind feelings towards your mind set. I'm sure there are car waxing 101 forums where you will get some support.

Mother nature is pissed this year, sounds like the crew did the best possible to make a great event.
I think you are on the wrong forum to get any sympathy. This is Competition Diesel, where drag racers and sled pullers will not have kind feelings towards your mind set. I'm sure there are car waxing 101 forums where you will get some support.

Mother nature is pissed this year, sounds like the crew did the best possible to make a great event.

I respect the pullers and racers very mutch and I think thats what they should do for me.

If I cant post this in the "TS Outlaw 2011" section on this forum then in my opinion the show and shine should be completly removed fromt he event. Show and shine is part of the event and thats what Im discussing.

I hope everyone remembers this is a diesel community and we should all help one another.

I bet your opinion would be different if you had a flat on the way to a race which you traveled to attend and they wouldnt let you in.
I bet your opinion would be different if you had a flat on the way to a race which you traveled to attend and they wouldnt let you in.

I agree that it wasn't going to hurt anything for them to let you in so why not. But it wasn't like you had a flat tire, it was your choice to not get there at a certain time.
I agree that it wasn't going to hurt anything for them to let you in so why not. But it wasn't like you had a flat tire, it was your choice to not get there at a certain time.

I was delayed due to rain. As a puller would be delayed due to a flat tire.

If it wasnt raining I would of been there on time.

What did you think was gonna happen?

I just wanted my opinion to be heard. The members here are trying to prove me wrong in which I am correct. I Sheila and Dennis replied and thats it. I appriciate there time.
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