ve power parts

If I were going through the effort of a 14mm H/R, the pump would no longer have a KSB. The 64/68mm combination has never worked well, not once in 4 different applications, better off to go with either the 62mm or 66mm compressor.
Yup, I think Haisley Machine sells some good valvetrain parts.
- Many things are accomplished be people who hadn't a clue it couldn't be done.
- The devil's in the detail.
- A fatty and a beya.
- Gigawatz.
- **** like that.

So what rpm would u guys say I would be able to push before springs and retainers and have any of u guys ever done them with out removing the head?
you could run a 366 spring w/o hd springs. i think its about 3600 but im not sure on that seein as how i dont have one in mine. thats just from what ive read
With the pump spring, aka the 366. Thats all you need. A 4000 rpm spring in a VE is a waste of time. The VE will not fuel at tha high of rpm. The 60lbs spings on the intake and exhaust are a good update IMHO. Better to have it and not need it than the other way around..
With the pump spring, aka the 366. Thats all you need. A 4000 rpm spring in a VE is a waste of time. The VE will not fuel at tha high of rpm. The 60lbs spings on the intake and exhaust are a good update IMHO. Better to have it and not need it than the other way around..

With the pump spring, aka the 366. Thats all you need. A 4000 rpm spring in a VE is a waste of time. The VE will not fuel at tha high of rpm. The 60lbs spings on the intake and exhaust are a good update IMHO. Better to have it and not need it than the other way around..

the only reason i was wantin 4k spring is for sled pullin
Using the 4K spring will allow the engine to rev that high and then some. But the peak horsepower starts rolling off around 3600rpms with a stock 12mm H/R IP. With that, I'm a little over 400HP at 4200rpms (down about 50HP from its peak) but the torque is down substantially from its peak.

If that helps any. $.02
Yea I know it will be out of its pear range. But correct me it I am wrong the 366 spring is a 3200rpms spring and there's a 4000rpm spring but nothin in between is there ? 3200 is not enough rrs for me. 3500 or 3600 is about all I will use
Then the 3200 spring will work just fine. You can achieve those rpm's with that spring.
3200rpm spring pn: 1-464-650-366.
3800rpm spring pn: 1-464-650-374.
4200rpm spring pn: 1-464-650-354.
(Those are Bosch part numbers)

It seems there's a 3600rpm spring but I can't find the part number.
Yea I know it will be out of its pear range. But correct me it I am wrong the 366 spring is a 3200rpms spring and there's a 4000rpm spring but nothin in between is there ? 3200 is not enough rrs for me. 3500 or 3600 is about all I will use
Well the way they rate them is a little conservative, I think you would have not problem reaching 3600 rpm with the 3200 rpm spring. Just make sure you are getting full throttle travel.