
Ooooooooooohhhhhhh dually went and got the wife involved.

Oh no I dinnit. I dinnit go and do shyt, pal. The wife logs on all the time, she just doesn't post due to the lack of intellectual conversation; however, when she does, it is kinda like those old E.F. Hutton commercials. Yo ass better listen!
....she just doesn't post due to the lack of intellectual conversation; however, when she does, it is kinda like those old E.F. Hutton commercials. Yo ass better listen!

So, does she talk to you at home, or just the kids?

I am just saying there was no reason to be a dick unless you just wanted to start something. Is this a professional site? Is this a place to get good feed back? Because all I see is a bunch of kids that like to start **** because they are bored and then when you put their rediculsnes in perspective with an illustration using something they a truly care about, they say "carful"!!!! Because you have realized that you were being a dick for no reason! Then got mad because I said something about it! So next time am I supposed to hang my head and just listen to your "asshole wisdom" because you work on radar on ships! In Oklahoma?? Still trying to figure that out, you give it your guna have to take it!

HAHA - It is the way of the site. Poor spelling and grammar will send you head first into the toilet, especially for a newby vendor wannabe.

First of all, kc1design, welcome to the site. I am the Doctor or 4x4dually's wife. I have a few friendly suggestions for you. My husband is a grown man and he is free to talk **** back and forth to whomever he chooses. I would suggest that you just "roll" with it and give it right back. However, my next piece of advice is very important. DO NOT ever speak of my children or my husbands role as their father again. I do not generally post on this site, but this is a line that I will not tolerate being crossed. My husband is the nice one of the 4x4dually's, and I think it would be in your best interest to refrain from ever mentioning my children again. Good luck with your products and with taking **** from my husband. The Doc.

Ouch, I felt that in New Jersey!!

Treena scares me sometimes. And yes I know she will read this. LOL

I definitely agree with sledge on the momma and cub comment.

Momma be in fight mode now. Will your display unit display "You fawking pissed momma off and the Doctor is in neutering mode right now" ?

Oh no I dinnit. I dinnit go and do shyt, pal. The wife logs on all the time, she just doesn't post due to the lack of intellectual conversation; however, when she does, it is kinda like those old E.F. Hutton commercials. Yo ass better listen!

I think the world heard that one!!

Now having and had 7.3's with Sniper chips (6-pos), TS chips (6-pos) and DP F5's (16-pos), the thought comes, you can't remember what what the six (or sixteen) tunes are? The newer DP chips give the number and latest a tune number and name. I see the display as expensive bling that maybe the kids might like.

But I'm just a Grumpy Old Engineer that is able to remember what 6 or 16 things are.
Oh no I dinnit. I dinnit go and do shyt, pal. The wife logs on all the time, she just doesn't post due to the lack of intellectual conversation; however, when she does, it is kinda like those old E.F. Hutton commercials. Yo ass better listen!

So, does she talk to you at home, or just the kids?



:clap: :lolly: :Cheer:
Something tells me not as often as she talks to Sophie.


Funny story about that dayum coon. I fed her this morning and was petting her. She was enjoying the back rub and the ear scratch while devouring the food. Then I stuck my cold pepsi can on her butt and said "how'd'ya like that, sophus?" Then she bit my forearm. :hehe: Didn't draw blood, but left a few teeth holes. I guess everyone is just on the rag these days. No one can take a freakin' joke. :hehe:
Funny story about that dayum coon. I fed her this morning and was petting her. She was enjoying the back rub and the ear scratch while devouring the food. Then I stuck my cold pepsi can on her butt and said "how'd'ya like that, sophus?" Then she bit my forearm. :hehe: Didn't draw blood, but left a few teeth holes. I guess everyone is just on the rag these days. No one can take a freakin' joke. :hehe:

Why would you put your can of Pepsi on her butt? Was it a seems like a good idea at the time moment?
Funny story about that dayum coon. I fed her this morning and was petting her. She was enjoying the back rub and the ear scratch while devouring the food. Then I stuck my cold pepsi can on her butt and said "how'd'ya like that, sophus?" Then she bit my forearm. :hehe: Didn't draw blood, but left a few teeth holes. I guess everyone is just on the rag these days. No one can take a freakin' joke. :hehe:

Soooo, it does attack when provoked lol