VGT-SS installed - now the questions ???

So how do you like this turbo now? I am thinking about purchasing one but wondering how they perform while towing and how are the EGTs with it?
Still a work in progress! Working on getting tunes right. Still don't seem to be getting the boost I expected. Towed my 22.5 5th on the weekend , but had to baby it to keep my boots on. Temps seemed to climb fairly quickly but I'm not sure what I should see. At 65 it towed at 1000 , but any hill , it was 1200 and I was letting off. I'll keep you posted.
I wasn't sure what to expect because I was lugging it to keep boost down and boots on.
We threw a bunch of new tunes at it and I might finally be happy. Need to tow again to check things out.