vp44 ?

Hey Chris, can you post up your certifications? How are we to know you didnt damage the pump on removal? The point im trying to make is that everything is a 2 way street. He said, No you say, But im saying, ect ect ect.
The difference is you're running a supposed professional diesel shop and selling parts and when your used parts dont work you tell your customers its all their fault. A REAL shop would do the right thing, Not prey on people that may not know or have as much experience as you. Shame on you!

How do you dont know ups didnt drop it? I put insurance on everything i buy just for that simple fact.
Id like to add also that my offer to refund 50% is invalid if for any reason that pump comes back and has ANY sign of being tapped for his Edge Comp box.

Why you gotta hate the good ole comp box......:lolly:

I spent $2000 on a Hot Rod and was done with it.
They can and will occassionally. The pump shipped with an untapped wire so it should be returned without a tapped wire.

this will be my final post on this. your pump did in fact come with a wire tap on it. one that is crimped on the wire. i use a stealth cover that pierces the wire. and i never removed the cover off of your pump. is there any chance you may have sent me the wrong pump? because we are both very certain on our points. the short of the long is, im done arguing. im stopping shipment, getting the pump i bought from you back (out of the uncertainity off possibley being out of my money and you not sending the pump back) and sending it in with my core for a credit.
this is what i didnt want to happen, drag a bunch of people in to it, start an argument, and for the record i tried calling you the night i installed the pump from my cell phone.
this will be my final post on this. your pump did in fact come with a wire tap on it. one that is crimped on the wire. i use a stealth cover that pierces the wire. and i never removed the cover off of your pump. is there any chance you may have sent me the wrong pump? because we are both very certain on our points. the short of the long is, im done arguing. im stopping shipment, getting the pump i bought from you back (out of the uncertainity off possibley being out of my money and you not sending the pump back) and sending it in with my core for a credit.
this is what i didnt want to happen, drag a bunch of people in to it, start an argument, and for the record i tried calling you the night i installed the pump from my cell phone.

My mistake. You are correct I took a few pictures of it and the wire is already tapped. This will not effect me refunding you 50%. You got the pump at 7PM at night. I am open for business from 8 am until 5 pm. Sometimes if I am in the shop after those hours I will pick up the phone....cant say for sure I was in here that night. I made this all public so nobody forgets whats going on. One thing I am not is a thief so if the pump gets here you WILL get a refund as stated.
i want to say... i bought a pump from blue chip diesel, installed it, bled the lines and she fired right up. that was the problem, two junk pumps. for anyone interested in a little advice that i should of taken when given to me the 1st time. if your in need of a vp44 look up Blue Chip Diesel. Chip helped me diagnose 2 vp44's before i ever bought one from him.(and he was spot on) he treated me like a long time customer. GREAT customer service, 2nd to none.
Glad you got it worked out. Casey and I talked while you were having problems. Itold him as well both of those pumps were junk. Chip was 100% correct when helping you trouble shoot. I never questioned Casey's ability/knowledge when it comes to vp's and you had the right people helping you along the way.
I'm not a fan of buying used stuff, just because of this example. Glad things are working for ya now, just sucks when you had to shell the money out to get this point
Glad you got it worked out. Casey and I talked while you were having problems. Itold him as well both of those pumps were junk. Chip was 100% correct when helping you trouble shoot. I never questioned Casey's ability/knowledge when it comes to vp's and you had the right people helping you along the way.
I'm not a fan of buying used stuff, just because of this example. Glad things are working for ya now, just sucks when you had to shell the money out to get this point

yes im glad as well. in the long run, my attempt to save a few $ ended up costing me $500 more. a very valuable lesson was learned. albeit a hard one. i cannot say enough how helpful chip and casey have been through this whole ordeal. casey has helped me way too much to count, without his knowledge and time im sure i would have made many more costly mistakes. he is a great guy..., even though he is a south carolina fan now.
I'm not taking sides, as I haven't been around long enough to do so and I also have zero fight in this.

Yes you CAN damage the electronics on a VP if you perform Chip's electrical diagnostic tests incorrectly.

Taken from the VP44 Diagnostics page of Chip's site...
"follow the following directions exactly, to be sure of not damaging a possibly good pump." And then later on, "Install an INSULATED ¼ inch female spade connector onto one end of each wire."

He directly warns the reader to follow the directions exactly or you CAN damage a good pump. Also note the word "insulated" is capitalized? If you use uninsulated connectors or decide to touch stripped wire to the terminals because you don't have (or are too lazy to go get) the required connectors, you can short the pins of the FPECM and render the FPECM components useless. They are small and closely spaced in the port on the FPECM.

"...to preferably fused (10 amp is fine) positive battery power in the PDC (Fuse box under the hood), or directly to the positive battery terminal if you like to take risks!"

Hooking it up to a power supply without a current limiting device, a.k.a. "fuse", can cause a power surge and ruin electrical components as well.

"...if you like to take risks!" sounds like a word of caution to me!
I am not taking sides. I traded for a used VP once. It lasted 6 months or less. I traded for it on Comp D and I have zero regrets/remorse. SOLD AS IS!!

VP's are crazy. Look at one wrong and it dies. My current 24v is on the second VP and my previous 24v was on its third VP. Good fuel supply helps but they can still just up and die. They can and do JUST QUIT FOR NO REASON! I ALSO HAVE AN IDEA THAT SOME TRUCKS KILL THE VP FASTER THAN NORMAL DUE TO FUEL DEMANDS. This situation sucks, for both parties though! I am sure Chris did not send you a bad pump on purpose! IMO price was pretty good for THE product sold.

Sorry man, I hope this does not affect your impression of Competition Diesel. I assure you the vast majority of folks here are trustworthy. I have done a bit of business over Comp D in the past and with CSnyder I believe, with good results!

I still trust Chris. I still don't know you.
Also wanted to add that the wrench does not take sides either. The VP44 has a mind of its own! I have been able to get a VP running that no one else could, and vice versa! Your best bet is to respect/repent on the 44. You must have faith....
proper way to replace a VP....

Hey Chris, can you post up your certifications? How are we to know you didnt damage the pump on removal? The point im trying to make is that everything is a 2 way street. He said, No you say, But im saying, ect ect ect.
The difference is you're running a supposed professional diesel shop and selling parts and when your used parts dont work you tell your customers its all their fault. A REAL shop would do the right thing, Not prey on people that may not know or have as much experience as you. Shame on you!

Certifications? Really? Screw that.
I'm a third party bystander as well and I will say I do not know chris from the man on the moon, we have never so much as exchanged words on this forum to my knowledge. With that being said, he is a hell of a guy for offering to return so much as shipping to the op after the pump left his shop and was opened. From word of mouth on here, and from people that I speak to personally... I'd still do business with Chris in a heartbeat.