wah-bahs GTG?

This will be our first time at Whabah's. Do we need to put our name down or just show up?
We will make this, and sponsor some stupid human tricks, Heath where are you? lol
dizzy bat where you have the plastic bat full of beer, then spin around a set amount of times, then chug said beer in bat, then a person pitches the beer can and you swing at it with the bat? LOL
dizzy bat where you have the plastic bat full of beer, then spin around a set amount of times, then chug said beer in bat, then a person pitches the beer can and you swing at it with the bat? LOL

Louisville Chugger. full beer, how many seconds it taked you to chug is how many times you spin, then hit the can. i will have a wiffleball bat. Whos got a wedge trailer? cooler racing looked like fun...:hehe: