wah-bahs GTG?

Louisville Chugger. full beer, how many seconds it taked you to chug is how many times you spin, then hit the can. i will have a wiffleball bat. Whos got a wedge trailer? cooler racing looked like fun...:hehe:

Your not invited...
Wow...Am I hearing Tx Vs. the Diesel World in a beer Chugging Contest?
I wish I could make it up in time for this, I would bring some guys from my drinking team :)
I'm probably gonna have a few Louisiana people with me. :evil

LOL thats funny you damn yankees cant drink beer..... LOL

we will take that as a challenge? dan from valair clutches gave us 100 bucks last year. got us yankees some diesel money for the way home
LOL thats funny you damn yankees cant drink beer..... LOL


