What are you CR guys torquing stock head bolts to?


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Finishing up the engine build and wondering if my head bolts are tight enough. I've read a bunch of different opinions. I finished my initial torque to 110 lbs, but wondering if I should go tighter before the first start up, or on my retorque. Thanks.
We're not.... we're putting in head studs with a stock gasket and holding 600+ horse reliably! Why bother with the stockers when studs are cheap and reliable?
Yea I used a Cummins thicker "2 hole" gasket. I'm not running studs. I'm not going wild with this build, and if I do I'll buy studs then. I don't have the extra $400 to drop on them right now.
Yea I used a Cummins thicker "2 hole" gasket. I'm not running studs. I'm not going wild with this build, and if I do I'll buy studs then. I don't have the extra $400 to drop on them right now.

just do the factory specs then ur not gonna see the same torque on all bolts they are requiring a torque turn for a reason to strecth to bolt
On my 12 valve and 24 valve, 135 ft lbs seems to be the most you can go before some of the bolts start to "stretch" a lot. I got my 12 valve up to 145ish on all but 2 or 3 that started to turn "stretch" more than I was comfortable with.

With stock head bolts you don't really need to loosen and retorque, all you need to do is snug them up after a few heat cycles since the gasket will settle in a little bit and you'll be able to get another 1/4 turn on each bolt at the same torque wrench setting.
Stock is 120 max they say 90ftlb then another 90 degree turn Once stretched they are done You shouldn't reuse them! Bust out the credit card and do it right the first time! Call around the 2000 series are 350. shipped! Try Isaac at USA freedom diesel for really good prices! He's done me right on a bunch of stuff and can work with you on payments! There are others on this site that have good prices too!! JUST ASK!! Nothing worse than getting it running going 1000 miles and blowing the head gasket on the first hard drive!
There's no reason a properly torqued stock setup won't hold 300hp for the rest of eternity. Bar any foolishness that is. He just needs an engine that runs without dumping excessive coin right now.
considering most CR trucks make more than 300hp from the factory, that little tid-bit of info doesn't really mean a whole bunch IMO :eek:

if you're only trying to hold 300hp, just follow the factory torque specs on new bolts
Just pull them to 100 ft-lbs. + 100*... works as well as turning up the radio & makes you feel even better! :Cheer:
Why yes Forrest, but I had my hands on this one, and depending on what ECM he bolts to it (I think he only has the one) then it's a 250 horse unit.

Like I said, he needs a driver right now, not a racer........ In My Opinion

True story. Like I said, later on if I go to twins then I'll get studs, but as of now I'm running a little stock HE341, stock nozzles, stock 250 SO ECM. I plan on adding a Diablo Sport Predator after everything checks out. I had a guy PM me a REAL good deal on a set of ARP's and if my injectors check out ok, I may end up getting them for extra insurance.

You can all put your mind at ease now. :Cheer: