Whats happening on your new pistons?

Zach pick me pick me, jk I don't want to tear this thing apart again until I have to LOL
Dang if I was sticking to a large single for my build those pistons would have been perfect for my setup.

Oh yeah, hey Big Lance. I'm coming for ya buddy!
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i would normally come back with a smart ass comment but not sure when it will be back up and running.
haha, Lance, the next set will be great for what you are doing. I only ask that you beat the hell out of them and try to break them. If so, then you are in. They are 18.1:1 and have .160" flycuts.

i will beat the ever living snot out of them and maybe throw some *nx* just for crazy dyno queen numbers (nitrous isnt consistant enough for me to run at the track, i like old school mechanical stuff.....like fuel and lots of it)

the 18.1:1 will be interesting, old engine was like 13-13.5:1 :hehe:

give me a call or shoot me an e-mail when your ready to ship

lance@alligatorperformance.com (208) 777-1977 or 866-255-7212
i would normally come back with a smart ass comment but not sure when it will be back up and running.

I think mine is at least few months out from being up and running so it looks like we will have plenty of time to bicker back and forth haha.

If anyone is a good candidate for those pistons it's you Lance. I hope you get your hands on a set of those. Should make your setup spool like crazy.
Alright guys, ordered the rings for these test pistons today. Of the guys that want to try a set, who can get these in and tested? I want something in the next month for sure besides the testing we are doing in-house.

Unless we find an issue this weekend I will not be able to test within a month. Wish I could though.
I would try to break a set. Would love the higher compression, and would like to try a big single, but there is no way I could get it apart and back together in a month with work the way it is right now.
mine is tore down and ready to rebuild and could work something in within a months time. tried calling you the other day Zach, left a message with Ryan. was thinking about a cam upgrade too while i was in there of course after a direct compairison of your pistons. then i could compare with one of your cams and see how the combo works out.
19.7? holy crap.. no turbo, right?
How much boost can you run with that sort of compression with orings and 625's? timing would also be an issue. Would probably make a nice boom. :pop:
Im assuming the crank bearings would take a real beating.

Looking for a tester for the new 12v pistons. They are .020" over and are 19.7:1 compression ratio. Post up a list of your mods for consideration.
thats too bad Zach, sure would have been sweet if a few guys showed more interest. Hope your long car does well this year, be safe, have fun, and kick ass along the way.
That sucks man hopefully some time soon they will be ready for testing.
Bummer, I'm ready to slam a set in a 24 valve. I guess I'll have to stroke it.
Sorry about that. The pistons are in stock, but I do not know of a way to fool-proof them to work with ever concievable combination in the world, so I will just sit and look at them. I will let you know when I come up with a combination that works perfect and an instructional video so that people don't try to put them in backwards, upside down etc.