Who disagrees with me that this is nos?

It never Cleaned up like the NOS runs I've seen in the past??

Clears up and then starts smoking again though?

It doesn't need to clean it up. I sprayed a 400 shot last week in open class and it didn't clean it up at all.

It does look a little fishy to me.


nos bottle inside the water injection tank, running through "water line". just saying...
there's ways to hide it.

Doesn't need to be a bottle. Can hide it in anything you can seal and put pressure too. I know a guy that use to fill his roll cage. Fun stuff to think about.
I'd say that's forsure an upshift at the 10sec mark. If he had nos it wouldn't take but about 2sec to find it. There's only so many places it could be hooked up to work right. Just my 2cents tho
It doesn't need to clean it up. I sprayed a 400 shot last week in open class and it didn't clean it up at all.


Doesn't need to be a bottle. Can hide it in anything you can seal and put pressure too. I know a guy that use to fill his roll cage. Fun stuff to think about.

So when you sprayed yours, it does an initial cleanup, and then starts smoking again?
If you sprayed a 400 shot and it didn't clean it up any you must have garden hoses for injectors haha
So when you sprayed yours, it does an initial cleanup, and then starts smoking again?

Never cleaned up at all. I have 2 stages, a .046" (100hp) on a switch to spool the turbo and a .125" (300hp) on a WOT switch. Was spraying both.
He was protested by me and even though he was supposed to stay at the finish end of the track as he was first puller and always in the lead he went immediately back to his trailer after his pull. The "tech" was conducted an hour and a half later after the pull was over. He knows I know now so if he brings it again he will be stopped at the end of the track and it found. If he doesn't he will be way behind again like usual and either way everyone will know he is a cheater.
Your a sore ****ing loser is all it is. I was there and watched everyone of you guys pull and you got beat fair and square. I watch him pull almost every weekend as well as a lot of you guys and I can tell you right now hes no cheater. he unlocks the converter at the end of the track and downshifts to get what may be nothing or maybe a couple inches. Im sure he appreciates the extra $50 though:)
That puff of grey is fishy. And that's about it.

Super hard to prove that he did or not.
These boys just cant help the fact that they got beat by a truck that wasn't built by a big company that is all...
Looks like a shift de-fuel to me, it lost power there didn't gain it. No nos. Just sore ass loser.
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He was protested by me and even though he was supposed to stay at the finish end of the track as he was first puller and always in the lead he went immediately back to his trailer after his pull. The "tech" was conducted an hour and a half later after the pull was over. He knows I know now so if he brings it again he will be stopped at the end of the track and it found. If he doesn't he will be way behind again like usual and either way everyone will know he is a cheater.

The first puller that was hooked to the sled was held, wasn't it? They held Jesse at the end of the track after his pull. Jesse was technically the first hook yet was unable to leave the line and dropped to last. That is who the outlaws held in the "containment area"
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If he's spraying he has been for awhile. All historical videos look like truck cleans up the same. I'm not saying he is. I've seen some good running cr's clean up. Looks like to me when he locks the converter it drives the charger harder, enough to clean it up.
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This is such bs you got your butt handed to you far and square and your being a sore.loser you can ask anyone that knows Garry and his truck knows Garry isn't a cheater and his truck is strong I know for a fact he does not use or have nitrous on his truck
Pretty sure he doesn't even have water injection. The pulling association here doesn't allow any injectables.
Over 100 hours later and you're still butt hurt because you got your ass handed to you... Lmao
Bingo! The funny part is the OP got last place! You'd think if someone was to protest it would be 2nd place lol
Just imagine what the capabilities of that truck will be when efi live becomes available!!!