Who has/had a/c failures?

Same problem here cold on drivers side when driving an warm on passinger side.. It's been to the dealer a few times and all they do is add some freon and say everythings fine... Almost 2 years now and still no luck fixing it
For what its worth the guy at work that has been having the issues with his truck, goes about 2 months and the a/c starts to run rough and the compressor acts weird when you first start it durring the day, after awhile it wont work, dealer has added freon several times, and now dodge is involved and they claim they know they have a problem with 05-08 trucks and they are working on a fix.
What the guys truck is doing is its actually putting freon out of the pressure relief valve out the top of the compressor when he first starts it up. Basically its hydro locking the compressor and the releif valve is its only exit. Sounds to me like its bleeding liquid freon off and back down the line to the compressor, the compressor is located on the bottom of the engine so it would be easy for that to happen The rumor from the dealer is that they will be adding some sort of check valve to the line from the compressor to the evaporator to keep this from happening. Let me know what you think,

Also on right side being cooler than the left, do dodges have two evaporators in the system? The reason that i ask is if there is an oriface tube, or expansion valve (depending on the system) is plugged or not working right and one evaporator isnt doing what its supposed to, the other thing is if the temp sensor in the evaporator isnt working, it can be freezing up and the air flow past it wont cool, let me know what you guys think, its pretty obvous the dealers fix for everything is to put more freon in it...
As for the warm air on passenger side issue, I had a dealer parts guy tell me that there is a problem with a door(blend maybe) not closing all the way and that Chrysler was working on a fix. That was over a year ago. He also said that their techs where taking the door and triming it some way to fix the problem whenever they had one under waranty to do.
I never got around to taking it all part to see about it.