Who needs the TNT/R for TS??????

No, I had to work a 72hr shift thursday, friday, saturday. I won't be off till the morning. It's a local points race at Samoa. I'm glad you got that problem figured out and it didn't turn out to be a big problem.
Got mine thanks all worked great but the driver(me) at TS. Didnt down shift soon enough ended up 26th.
Bob, did you recieve my PM from a week or so ago? Do you need any other info from me? I just want to make sure I'm somewhere on the list. Thanks, colin.
I called Colin. alls well. please dont post this on every website LOL
thanks for the upgrade. it worked well for me until I screwed it up so someday I will have to get it for the 05 puller as well but I need to finish the work to that one first. need the support to handle the extra rpm's in that one, but it will come soon enough.
I called Colin. alls well. please dont post this on every website LOL

Thanks Bob! I got it the other day, and loaded it up on the truck today, now it's time to play around. Thanks again, Colin.