Who's going to Blackout


Diesel Pro
Jul 31, 2007
Just wondering who all was heading up to the Blackout this weekend.

We will be there.
Ill be there too,,, hope I can get all these little things figured out ,, or it could be a long weekend
I'll be there. I've got a few little things to get figured out as well and I don't get back home from work until Thursday. Cutting it a little close but oh well :D
I'll be there in the mighty Jetta! Actually I may drive the Randy's Off-Road truck again in Sportsman ET, but I'll be driving the 1000 miles up there in the Jetta again.

If anyone is thinking of getting ISSPRO gauges, you will want to check us out up there at the NADM booth (working on a show deal).

Michael Pliska
Be good to see you Michael. I will talk to you there regarding the guages.

See you there Shaun,, hope to catch up with you over a beer!
I will be there, my truck will be at home, I was really hoping to pull this year...

Such as life.
I'll be there in the mighty Jetta! Actually I may drive the Randy's Off-Road truck again in Sportsman ET, but I'll be driving the 1000 miles up there in the Jetta again.

If anyone is thinking of getting ISSPRO gauges, you will want to check us out up there at the NADM booth (working on a show deal).

Michael Pliska

NADM? Do you mean NHRDA?
I should be there. Hey Dennis, you mis-spelled "Argument" in your sig. ;)
2 Time Undfeated International Champion of the Perry vs Cole Arguement 2009

What exactly is the 2009 Perry v/s Cole arugment? Inquiring minds what to know.

Max'd Out will not be at Black Out. Everyone has something else going on. Next year for sure.
as long as my wife pops i'll be there, or else she'll be having the baby at the track, Dennis you should fly up and hang out, you guys are alot of fun at the races.

Jason we have plans for you:hehe: it'll start witha :kick:, then some :hehe:, then lots of canadian whiskey:cheer:
Truck and Trailer loaded and ready to go , should be there in about 16 hours or so, after i make a stop at the freindly canadian border :bang

See everyone this weekend , I say if your wife hasnt had the baby we put here in your truck and do some 1/4 passes that will put her in labor:hehe:
Ill be there, hope the truck is running, but I will be there no matter what