whould like your input on injectors

Well I have try reasoning and so far nothing I have apologized admited I was wrong I don't understand what else there is to do I would love to stay and learn but how can you learn when the teachers want not to teach but to pick and discriminate because I'm new and can't spell man idk
First things first, you dont let a guy like B.R.E. run you off LOL

Me, Rich, Nick, and Forrest are only fitting to do that.

This is a tough bunch of people to get to know, many do not make it or are able to stand it.

What are u still wanting to know?

Btw im never this nice, LOL
I gave the guy my answer even after he was not so friendly. My answer isnt much but its what I know. Never tried to run anyone off for the record.
for reallz!!

t-dollars is in rare form.

take him up on this once in a lifetime opportunity!!!

besides...you aren't doing that bad...bre is just trying to be like nick. LOL jk
CompD Mobile Device
I gave the guy my answer even after he was not so friendly. My answer isnt much but its what I know. Never tried to run anyone off for the record.

You're good my friend, was totaly joking with you.
Man its all good and bre I'm sorry for calling you a douche it was a douche bag move on my part now that we are all done with kiss and make up time I'm wanting to know how big of an injector can I push with a modifide cp3 ,bully dog with crazy larry and a s366
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Truly deep down even though Ive never met him... Nick is my hero.

And you sir have me all wrong... We are not kissing. Dean will be here later.

Like we told you though. I really think 90's are what you need.
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as stated...90hp, unless you care to build a new motor in the near future. thats all i know about cr's
CompD Mobile Device
See thats better WUSAAAAAA.......

If by a modified CP3 you mean a arson or bag of parts then you are still really pump limited.
I'm too tired to question the flaw in that statement.
CompD Mobile Device
Ok Im sorry... That doesnt make any sense to me. You are saying money is tight from what ive got and trying to make it with what you have but building a new motor isnt a problem? Do to meltdown no less...