windows 7 home premium


Always Broke
Dec 22, 2008
i just bought a new computer and i am having problems with efi live, when i plug my v2 in the computer it sends it to a blue screen, is there a problem with windows 7.

thanks for the help
One of the computers I use to tune with uses windows 7 home premium without any problems. Best thing to do is put up a post on the EFI Live forum on their website.
try uninstaling efi and reinstall sounds like drivers did not install right.
i just bought a new computer and i am having problems with efi live, when i plug my v2 in the computer it sends it to a blue screen, is there a problem with windows 7.

thanks for the help

Depends on what the blue screen is. Most likely, it's a problem with a driver or the physical port. If you can find out what the error is on the blue screen, you can search google for it.
What is the error code? Most likely driver or firmware issue. Works fine on all the versions of Win 7 that I run.