
Hey, sorry for the ignorant question here. I need to talk so someone from sdx as well but can't seem to find them in the sponsor list on my little smart phone screen. Who do I need to pm?

SDX is Southern Diesel Extreme on the sponsor list. You could PM Smokem or xzaq103. xzaq103 has his contact info in his sig just a couple posts before yours.
You gotta remember guys like Weston get hundreds of pm's in a weeks time at least. I found it easier to call sdx directly and they can help you out.
Like stated earlier the best way to reach us is to call the shop. (479)419-9992 If we don't answer, leave a message. We will call you back. Also, we have listed our cell phones numerous places throughout forums and the internet. But, all we ask with the cell phones is be respectful. Mine is (479)502-0221 and Chris (479)799-3953.
Hey guys. I know it’s hard to get a hold of us at times. Parts are hard to get these days so when they do come in we try to stay on top of them and get as much done as we can.

Text me if you like just don’t get to upset if I don’t respond in 5 minutes. Some of my closest friends don’t get a response for a day or so. :hehe:


OP, if it makes you feel any better I ignored the two times Chris called me last night in a row, as I was watching a Movie and I went to sleep and forgot to call him back! LOL
OP, if it makes you feel any better I ignored the two times Chris called me last night in a row, as I was watching a Movie and I went to sleep and forgot to call him back! LOL

LOL Well I'll call you today after work if you want me to? I was going to call you back but I had taken two 3mg melatonin sleep pills and I was really tired and and it was like 11:30. :hehe:
If two weeks get you all bent out of shape I hope you are never looking for CR injectors.
I tried calling serveral times, but still nothing. Were's my injectors? What's the update on them?In my rookie opinion, they are slow as **** and I also believe they have terrible customer service. The injectors better be damn good since I'm waiting so long.

Thought I'd insert some proper grammer, punctuation, and typo-graphical error correction.

It sure got quiet in "2" going to be the max posts by this new member? LOL
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